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Self-modifying Code
, Jul 23 2013 11:05 PM | Last updated Jul 23 2013 11:05 PM
- 3XXXDDD likes this
Self-modifying CodeType: Program Cost: 0 Memory Units: 2 Faction: Runner Shaper Faction Cost: 3 2 [Credits], [Trash]: Search your stack for a program and install it (paying the install cost). Shuffle your deck. Strength: - Set: Creation and Control Number: 046 Quantity: 3 Illustrator: Lili Ibrahim |
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Compared to Test Run it's far more efficient for general program tutoring, at 1 less credit and two less clicks. (Test Run does have special cases its better for, like installing Femme for just this turn for her bypass ability, or to get programs from the heap).
Compared to Special Order, it's one more credit and one less click, and in-faction for Shapers.
It's ideal to tutor in Magnum Opus as it only adds +2 credits to Magnum Opus's install cost.
But very best of all, it's ability allows you to pull the breaker of your choice midrun after ICE has been rezzed. This is great for efficiency, and as protection from surprises.
With the two cost from the Self-Modifying Code you still have 7 Credits to spare for your program. Can easily get a high-cost icebreaker into play at very little (or no) cost.
It does, but Kate won't give you a discount for the initial 2 credits, so if you grab Faerie (for example) you won't get any actual discount.
Kate says: Lower the install cost of the first program or piece of hardware you install each turn by 1.
It doesn't specify that it has to be during your own turn.
It is probably best to view this card in context but what exactly is its basic formula for click economy (1c-1crd-1card) etc.
-1 Click (Installing it)
-1 Draw (Drawing)
-2 Credit (Using it)
+ X Draw
+ 1 Click (since you skip installing from hand)
+1 Card
Meaning it ends up being something like
-2 + X Draw (where X is the amount of draws you would have required to get to the program you installed with SMC) meaning if X < 2, you have broken even in click econ.
Not sure if this helps anybody, just trying to understand the game a bit better.
or you can just test run smc