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, -- | Last updated Nov 25 2016 09:43 PM
ApocalypseType: Event Cost: 3 Faction: Runner Anarch Faction Cost: 3 Play only if you made a successful run on HQ, R&D, and Archives this turn. Trash all installed Corp cards. Turn all installed Runner cards facedown. (Machine code for: "The destroyer of worlds.") Set: Data and Destiny Number: 30 Quantity: 1 Illustrator: Shawn Ye Zhongyi |
Recent Decks Using This Card: Welcome to Javari Park Apex, Agenda Prowler My brain! |
Want to build a deck using this card? Check out the Android: Netrunner deckbuilder! |
Netrunner is a TM of R. Talsorian Games, Inc. Android is TM & ©2012 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Netrunner is licensed by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2012 Wizards.
My very-horizontal Jinteki builds are truly quaking. IG does not like.
Loooooooove the artwork!
Only with turn extending (amped up, hyperdriver, early bird etc.) or click compression (comet, doppelganger) cards... but, yes. Theoretically, you could play three quest completed and then this if you had enough clicks (make sure you use your quest completed's first as you won't have any cards to access if you wipe the board). Hell, throw in some Notoriety for the most massive jank-hilarity a single turn can provide.
3 installed card accesses, 3 AP, and a wiped board, for the low, low cost of 6 creds (... and 10 un-compressed clicks, of which 3 have to be successful central runs... oh yeah, and up to 15 influence for just those 7 cards. Criminals, don't try this at home).
Challenge accepted
Don't forget Autoscripter + Savoir-Faire
Today I managed to pull this off. And it felt really rewarding to reset the board, wiping away 6+ cards. I didn't really care about my rig, as it was merely turned into more fodder for an upcoming Endless Hunger.