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Hunting Grounds
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Hunting GroundsType: Resource: Location - Virtual Cost: 2 Faction: Runner Apex Faction Cost: 1 Once per turn, prevent a “when encountered” ability on a piece of ice. [Trash] : Install the top 3 cards of your stack facedown. “There’s parts of the Network now that are different from how they used to be. I can’t put my finger on it; just something twitching at my ganglion through my BMI.” -Reeve Set: Data and Destiny Number: 35 Quantity: 1 Illustrator: Adam S. Doyle |
Recent Decks Using This Card: Apex, Agenda Prowler My brain! |
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Netrunner is a TM of R. Talsorian Games, Inc. Android is TM & ©2012 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Netrunner is licensed by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2012 Wizards.
OK, haha Apex, so now you're blowing out Tollbooth . . . funny.
Or is it scary? Maybe it is both.
Pretty sure Apex, Endless Hunger, Harbinger, Employee Strike, Heartbeat, and Hunting Grounds in your deck is the Nuka-Corp flavor of the week:
Damage doesn't work; ETR doesn't work; Corp text box doesn't work; "when encountered" ICE doesn't work . . . nothing works for the Corp.
Komainu and grail ICE have no subroutines. Ouch!
Edit: Grail ICE still have the one subroutine which they have on their own. But they won't gain additional ones.
Now if a Resource recurrsion appears, Apex is going to chew away all of your servers. Seriously, 6 facedown cards, Endless Hunger and e3 Feedback? Just pack some cutlery, and the Corp is going straight home.
I'm thinking Trope will be quite good with Apex.
How does this interact with Chum / the chummed ICE?
I would say in no way - there is no "when encountered" effect that Chum sets and the next piece of ice doesn't do anything by itself. Hunting Grounds specifically says "on a piece of ice" and Chum sets an encounter effect as of the game structure.
That makes sense.