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Jak Sinclair

Jak Sinclair

Jak Sinclair

Type: Resource: Connection
Cost: 3
Faction: Runner Sunny
Faction Cost: 2
Reduce the cost to install Jak Sinclair by 1 for each [Link] you have.
When your turn begins, you may make a run. You cannot use programs during this run.

“I got an early start today...or maybe I forgot to go home last night.”
Set: Data and Destiny Number: 52 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Joshua Meehan
Recent Decks Using This Card:
Sunny Running
Sunny's Linkstorm
The first Sunny deck!
Want to build a deck using this card? Check out the Android: Netrunner deckbuilder!


Aug 11 2015 06:07 PM

Why would you do this? Take a peek into Archives with facedown cards in it? Trash an unprotected asset? Maybe in conjunction with Security Nexus (Sunny's console) as a click-free Inside Job? Hmm... that could work.

Run on an RP central server and then jack out without spending a click. 

    • Kitescreech likes this

Why would you do this? Take a peek into Archives with facedown cards in it? Trash an unprotected asset? Maybe in conjunction with Security Nexus (Sunny's console) as a click-free Inside Job? Hmm... that could work.


Get a second free run out of Doppelganger, one in which you can use programs.


Hit an unprotected Sundew, without the other Sundew(s) firing.

Situational, for sure.  But it is a free run, and it is optional.  Both points above make this a pretty solid card against horizontal corp decks.

Aug 12 2015 05:53 PM

Another Donut. Theoretically useful card handicapped by overly stiff opportunity cost and a fatal nerf (no programs in this case). Binder card.

Security testing, Datasucker, Masanori, Desperado, RP run.  With just security testing this is fine.

    • dr00 likes this

Also Security Nexus - it is a Sunny card after all. Tracers and Bioroids too - if you are so determined to access you can click right through or fight off the trace, which again Sunny knows how to.

    • Meadbeard likes this

Also Security Nexus - it is a Sunny card after all. Tracers and Bioroids too - if you are so determined to access you can click right through or fight off the trace, which again Sunny knows how to.


Good call: she can bypass something with S.N., then actually click through a Janus (or any other big bad bioroid). That's pretty solid.

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