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Neutralize All Threats

Neutralize All Threats

Neutralize All Threats

Type: Resource: Directive - Virtual
Cost: 0
Faction: Runner Adam
Faction Cost: 3
The first time each turn you access a card with a trash cost, you must trash it by paying its trash cost, if able.
Whenever you access cards from HQ, access 1 additional card.

The Third Directive requires a bioroid to preserve its ability to function and report frequently to Haas-Bioroid for repairs and updates.
Set: Data and Destiny Number: 43 Quantity: 1
Illustrator: Tadas Sidlauskas
Recent Decks Using This Card:
Adam: Initiating...Thinking
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Timing Priority should still allow you to Imp it, etc.


Seems like some of the Apex cards could be useful for trashing the directives, or just an Aesop's or two.


I like the theme that Adam is overcoming his "programming directives."

Aug 12 2015 07:44 PM

Scrubber comes to mind.

    • Meadbeard likes this
Nov 17 2015 05:47 PM
So I though of something. In theory, could you just only multi-ice the central servers, and leave remote fairly unprotected, so that you could drain Adam's money with cards like Marked Accounts because of this.

Scrubber comes to mind.



Seriously though, Adam is only running Marked Accounts if he wants to trash it. So this once-per-turn effect isn't going to do anything the Runner doesn't want it to do, at least on a remote.


It's going to make him a little stupid making blind HQ runs, which will also be dangerous versus damage effects (because of the extra access), at any rate, and which is really part of the design (run Adam at HQ early and you may suffer for it, both damage-wise and financially).


There are many other ways to impact the Runner's economy that are much more direct than this.

Jan 31 2017 06:13 PM

Does Credit Crash (Flashpoint #21) work with Neutralize All Threats? If so, how?

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