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Type: Program: Icebreaker - Killer
Cost: 0 Memory Units: 1
Faction: Runner Criminal
Faction Cost: 3
0 [Credits]: Break sentry subroutine.
1 [Credits]: +1 strength.
When an encounter with a piece of ice in which you used Faerie to break a subroutine ends, trash Faerie.
Strength: 2
Set: Future Proof Number: 104 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Sara K. Diesel
Recent Decks Using This Card:
[Core 2.0] Criminal
Nexus Drom
Winnie and Mac v0.001
Winnie and Mac v.001
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I could see this as a more economical alternative to ninja, if you're packing both Ninjas and Femme Fatales.
Personally, in such setups I tend to drop ninja first, only to have it sit around doing nothing when Femme hits the board.
Add sacrificial constructs and crypses for a nice, flexible breaker base in the early game.
It's a damned shame it's so hard to splash at 3inf.
If I use Test Run to search out Faerie, then I use it to break a subroutine later that turn and it gets trashed, what happens to Faerie at the end of my turn? Does it go from my heap to the top of my Stack?

If I use Test Run to search out Faerie, then I use it to break a subroutine later that turn and it gets trashed, what happens to Faerie at the end of my turn? Does it go from my heap to the top of my Stack?

according to Faerie you trash it at the end of the encounter, so when the turn ends it's in you heap.
Test Run specifically says "if it is in play", so Faerie stays in your heap.

according to Faerie you trash it at the end of the encounter, so when the turn ends it's in you heap.
Test Run specifically says "if it is in play", so Faerie stays in your heap.

It doesn't. It says "if it's installed". This is irrelevant with Faerie but you never know if this might become important in the future.
Nice addition to the sentry icebreakers - not super strong, but I could see a few of these being run in certain crim decks.

Just as a calculation example, if you use this to break Neural Katana at regular strength it costs you one click to play, one click to replace, and one credit. The alternative with no icebreaker is to use three clicks to replace the three cards you lose. Net effect is that you spend one less click but pay one more credit (less of a problem for crims) and you also mill your deck a bit less.
I think cheap early protection from rototurrets or flare is more important here.
Nice for taking down oversight AI sentries.
I like it, i dont want to rush FF, and dont really like ninja. This sounds as a good alternative.
    • MagisterWrigley and Lysander like this
Feb 04 2015 04:43 AM

I agree with Zephyr. Ninja hasn't been a very good matchup against the popular Sentry ICE for me lately and you don't want to play Femme Fatale until a good target has been rezzed.


This is a cheap and effective way of avoiding all of the nasty Sentry traps out there. Getting this out early makes me a lot more comfortable making blind runs.

    • Meadbeard likes this

Ninja is not so bad. I prefer to use it with The Personal Touch or Dinosaurio instead to use faeries, because they take space in the deck but you still need more icebreakers to break sentry subroutines. Faerie is very nice, but not too much useful really in my opinion, so as I said before Ninja is not a bad idea or if you have not problem about MU in the deck, you could try Garrote. When I am choosing a icebreaker to break sentry subroutines I always think how to pass the Archer (I consider this ice the best sentry ice) in the best way possible, for this reason I think Ninja with The Personal Touch could work very well. 

So this is trashed after one subroutine?

So this is trashed after one subroutine?

No. Faerie is trashed after encounter with an ICE that you broke atleast one subroutine. So if the ICE has more subroutines, you can use Faerie to brake all the subroutines in it.

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