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New Angeles City Hall

New Angeles City Hall

New Angeles City Hall

Type: Resource: Location - Government
Cost: 1
Faction: Runner Neutral
Faction Cost: 0
2 [Credits]: Avoid 1 tag.
Trash New Angeles City Hall when you steal an agenda.
Set: Future Proof Number: 109 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Henning Ludvigsen
Recent Decks Using This Card:
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Once the outrage at R&D Interface subsides, I think people will begin to see how wonderful this card is. No longer will Noise Virus shop decks have to fear getting tagged and resource trashed. It also pairs wonderfully with Joshua B, which will allow virus mills to be set up 25% faster. Finally, the extra click when paired with Kati will net more economy in the long run. THIS is what makes a perfectly balanced card (not that I think Noise shop decks are, however).
Yeah, it's good. Annoyingly good. It sures up the only real weakness of Noise Workshop and that sucks.

Also, Account Siphon. Avoid the tags.. you saved yourself 2 clicks over clearing them.
Looks like a very nice card to have. For one, it stops posted bonuty/scorched earth combos almost as well as the Carapace, while also comboing nicely with several beneficial cards that also happen to leave a tag as a drawback. Despite it being unique, It never feels like a waste having 3x in the deck, cause you will nick that agenda sooner or later.
And now the runner can avoid both tags from breaking news... great.
Fantastic for Chaos Theory/Notoriety.

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