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Project Atlas

  • laerfan, desmondz and eames like this

Project Atlas

Project Atlas

Type: Agenda: Research
Advancement Cost: 3
Faction: Corp The Weyland Consortium
When you score Project Atlas, place 1 agenda counter on it for each advancement token on it over 3.
Hosted agenda counter: Search R&D for 1 card, reveal it, and add it to HQ. Shuffle R&D.
Agenda Points: 2
Set: What Lies Ahead Number: 018 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Emilio Rodriguez
Recent Decks Using This Card:
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Knights of the Round
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Want to build a deck using this card? Check out the Android: Netrunner deckbuilder!


I would definitely use some of these in my Deck. Fast Agendas, able to finish in one turn, should work well.
I like how this agenda can be what you need it to be. If you need a quick 2 points for 3, that is what it is.
if you have a huge silo built up, you can overadvance it, and let it tutor for a sea+[A:NR]Scorched Earth[/A:NR] combo; or my favourite is when I search for the hostile takeover(s) I need for the last agenda point to win.

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