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Type: ICE: Barrier
Cost: 2
Faction: Corp The Weyland Consortium
Faction Cost: 2
Whenever the Runner breaks a subroutine on Bailiff, gain 1 [Credit] .
[Subroutine] End the run.
Efficiency means profiting from things everyone was doing anyway.
Strength: 0
Set: Democracy and Dogma Number: 56 Quantity:
Illustrator: Andreas Zafiratos
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Mar 28 2016 06:17 PM

One of the best Weyland cards I have seen in a long time. At first, it's a runstopper and gearcheck. When the runner has gotten his breaker, it becomes a Pop-up Window.

Love it!

    • Meadbeard likes this

Put a Sub Boost to increase ICE effect as moneymaker.

And then put TL;DR in front. Problem is, Parasite blows this away.

    • bozfoogle likes this

Exactly. Well-designed card, good ability, reasonable rez cost, but in the current meta I'd have second thoughts about including this over the cheaper and stronger Ice Wall.

Mar 31 2016 01:31 PM

And then put TL;DR in front. Problem is, Parasite blows this away.

Of course, you are forcing them to use a Parasite on a two-cost ice. Isn't that already worth it?
    • Meadbeard, Kitescreech and AdorablePython like this
Mar 31 2016 02:04 PM

Since the N.A.P.D Most Wanted List was implemented, Parasite isn't as omnipresent as it once was. You'll propably only see it in Anarch, and even there not as much. And, as already pointed out by MightyToenail, if you can force a Parasite by rezzing a two-cost ICE, it seems worth it.

    • Meadbeard and Valdemart like this

You have a point, but MWL did little to stop ice destruction, which would be ok if it wasn't the click compression.


Anyway, if the goal is to force a Parasite, than Ice Wall is again better and the coming Vanilla will be perfect. I am trying to evaluate it from the persepctive of the entire card pool of both factions and currently this is just as good as Ice Wall - which is not bad, but probably won't find space in most decks.

Mar 31 2016 06:57 PM

Depends on your deck and playstyle, I suppose. Personally, I use Ice Wall only as an early game runstopper and gearcheck on my central servers, and don't bother advancing it. So in that type of scenario Bailiff would be the better choice. If you work with Firmware Updates, Space Camp, Builder or Tennin Institute - Ice Wall seems better.

    • Meadbeard likes this
Apr 01 2016 09:44 PM

Bailiff is not meant to be a big taxing card. It is simply meant to fill a roll like Architect or Errand Boy.

And then put TL;DR in front. Problem is, Parasite blows this away.


Soaking a Parasite is a better tax than the card text, but Fear The Masses (the set, not the card) should relegate Parasite to the binder, as it has a few too many ways to wreck the jank.

Soaking a Parasite is a better tax than the card text, but Fear The Masses (the set, not the card) should relegate Parasite to the binder, as it has a few too many ways to wreck the jank.


Will I live to see that moment? ;)

    • Meadbeard likes this

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