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Lateral Growth

Lateral Growth

Lateral Growth

Type: Operation: Transaction
Cost: 2
Faction: Corp Haas-Bioroid
Faction Cost: 2
Gain 4 [Credit] . You may install 1 card (paying the install cost).
“Practical effects are expensive, but worth it. I had to smash seventeen stunt bioroids to get this shot.” -Parvati Kapoor, director
Set: Fear the Masses Number: 104 Quantity:
Illustrator: Antonio De Luca
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Jun 13 2016 08:35 PM

I don't care for the two influence. I will play it in Weyland: Building A Better World. This is basically Beanstalk Royalties with an installation action. Install an Agenda and gain the credits you need to advance/protect it. Pretty nice!


Also good in HB:EtF, as you gain a credit for the installation part, too.

Jun 13 2016 11:07 PM

Seems like a decent economy card, but mostly good out of ETF. It really is just a Beanstalk.

Jul 01 2016 05:45 PM

$2 and 1 click = 3 action equivalents; get back net $2 and 1 limited click (install only). Not quite break even.  


Does not seem worth it to me in the typical case. Might combo with something in an interesting way, but generally speaking I would avoid playing this card.

Cost: 1 card, 2 credits, 1 action

Benefit: 4 credits, 1 action (virtually never do you need to gain credits without having a card you want to install)


Looks like you net 2 credits at the cost of your mandatory draw & the opportunity cost of the card slot / needing to get up to 2 credits. If you end up spending the saved action to just gain {1} then this is equivalent to Beanstalk, and who doesn't want more Beanstalks?

Nov 15 2016 09:57 AM

The effect doesn't state from where the card should come from...?

Nov 15 2016 05:10 PM

The effect doesn't state from where the card should come from...?


If not specified otherwise, the default position is HQ. Just like with Shipment from Mirrormorph.

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