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Type: ICE: Code Gate
Cost: 3
Faction: Corp Haas-Bioroid
Faction Cost: 1
When you rez Magnet, host a program on it that is hosted on an installed piece of ice.
The text box of each program hosted on Magnet is blank. [Subroutine] End the run.
“When the enemy has mastered the battlefield, change the battlefield.” -The Playbook
Strength: 3
Set: Fear the Masses Number: 103 Quantity:
Illustrator: David Keen
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Jun 13 2016 04:47 PM

I actually like this in theory. It would have been more timely a while ago. I think it's a good effect to have in the card pool, but maybe would have been better suited as a neutral card, and in a big box instead of a pack to keep it in the pool.

Jun 13 2016 04:57 PM

Finally! I hate Caissa.

    • Meadbeard likes this

It ends Parasite. If you're still playing Parasite, this ends it.

People will continue to play Parasite because it is one of the most powerful cards in the game, but corps finally have a counter to it. With that said, it is not a particularly good counter, because it relies on the runner giving the corp an opportunity to rez it. 'But EBC!' I've heard people say, and I really don't think that's a good answer. A card as ubiquitous as Parasite should not rely on a twin-faction card combo that works over two turns (thus giving the runner a chance to interrupt it) to be reliably countered. IMO this should either have been a neutral asset with the same text, or better yet, they could just print a neutral medium-cost event that reads 'Trash a program installed on a piece of ICE'.

    • KillerShrike likes this

This card begs to be used with Surat City Grid, best in a different server, while in the Magnet server there is a Navi Mumbai City Grid. That is the best case scenario, though, SCG would be enough most of the time.

Jun 15 2016 05:12 PM

This does not end Parasite. It may curb Parasite a bit if enough people play it, but it isn't strong enough as a hoser to end Parasite outright. 


It's a good card, and if it had been released back in the day when all of the Caissa rolled out and Parasite was even more dominant it would have been a power card, but now its interesting and good to have in the card pool, it may even have a flash in the pan where it sees heavy play, but I think it will ultimately settle down to an occasionally played card rather than a staple that sometimes waxes again as a meta response hoser to a particular deck archetype and then wane again.


Basically, it will turn into a meta dependent card, is what I'm getting at.

    • Valdemart likes this
Jun 15 2016 05:15 PM

People will continue to play Parasite because it is one of the most powerful cards in the game, but corps finally have a counter to it. With that said, it is not a particularly good counter, because it relies on the runner giving the corp an opportunity to rez it. 'But EBC!' I've heard people say, and I really don't think that's a good answer. A card as ubiquitous as Parasite should not rely on a twin-faction card combo that works over two turns (thus giving the runner a chance to interrupt it) to be reliably countered. IMO this should either have been a neutral asset with the same text, or better yet, they could just print a neutral medium-cost event that reads 'Trash a program installed on a piece of ICE'.


If we got a few such effects into the card pool, cumulatively they could be enough of a threat to make Parasite impractical as the odds of encountering such an effect in a given game would go up considerably and the diversity of card types carrying the effect (ice, asset, event, etc) would make it too difficult to tech against.

People will continue to play Parasite because it is one of the most powerful cards in the game, but corps finally have a counter to it. With that said, it is not a particularly good counter, because it relies on the runner giving the corp an opportunity to rez it. 'But EBC!' I've heard people say, and I really don't think that's a good answer. A card as ubiquitous as Parasite should not rely on a twin-faction card combo that works over two turns (thus giving the runner a chance to interrupt it) to be reliably countered. IMO this should either have been a neutral asset with the same text, or better yet, they could just print a neutral medium-cost event that reads 'Trash a program installed on a piece of ICE'.


Why would you want to trash a Parasite? That just puts Parasite into the recursion stream. This card effectively removes it from the game. Make the Runner actually work. If the Runner wants it back, make him or her come get it.


Run it with Test Ground. You don't even have to draw Test Ground, but it's nice if you do.


An asset is ridiculous compared to this. An asset is meta-dependent. If Parasite is not in the game, this is still a piece of ICE that ends the run. It sits at 1 influence. In a game with no Parasites, this is still a good draw early.


What are you doing with your Parasite when I rez, then derez, this? Are you guys really only seeing EBC here? I can think of 4 or 5 ways to rez this without doing a search. Is the Runner not running? Is this a card game for ants?


It's 1 influence. Put it anywhere. Shoot the Moon with it. Stick it in Amazon. Mutate? Eliza's?

Why is an asset ridiculous compared to this? You say it's meta dependant, but Parasite will always be in the meta. The companion cards you've suggested that enable this one are mostly assets and upgrades, and more than that, most of them are practically unplayable.

I can see that if you were playing as HB and had walls of static in your deck you'd swap for this but I think the only times I've ever had parasite played against me has been in combination with datasuckers to instantly kill ice. I do have a question though, if there's no runner cards on the board then am I right in thinking that this steals your bioroid efficiency research / oversight ai?
Jun 17 2016 11:54 PM

This is still a great card, even if the ability is hard to fire. We still play Wall of Static, and this is a direct upgrade on it in the new Yog-less meta!

I can see that if you were playing as HB and had walls of static in your deck you'd swap for this but I think the only times I've ever had parasite played against me has been in combination with datasuckers to instantly kill ice. I do have a question though, if there's no runner cards on the board then am I right in thinking that this steals your bioroid efficiency research / oversight ai?

Those are Operations not Programs

Those are Operations not Programs

Of course! Silly me

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