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MongooseType: Program: Icebreaker - Killer Cost: 3 Memory Units: 1 Faction: Runner Criminal Faction Cost: 2 You cannot use Mongoose to break subroutines on more than one ice per run. 1 [Credit] : Break up to 2 sentry subroutines. 2 [Credit] : +2 strength. It is the hardest thing in the world to frighten a mongoose, because he is eaten up from nose to tail with curiosity. The motto of all the mongoose family is “Run and find out’.’ -Rudyard Kipling, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi Strength: 1 Set: Kala Ghoda Number: 5 Quantity: Illustrator: Hannah Christenson |
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Looks solid, but lost among all the other good Killers in the Criminal faction; not powerful enough to justify its limitation.
At least it's cheap to get on the table and therefore useful early, but this an imaginary benefit for most Criminal decks (card slots, etc. Are you really going to use your tutor on this? Overlaps too cleanly with Mimic on the low end, if you're trying to move quickly -- the list goes on -- there's certainly a deck in which this is going to fit perfectly . . . but . . . meh).
Perhaps with the upcoming Nero Severn? Break one sentry and if the next ICE is a sentry too, you can jack out after it is rezzed.
Or as a very efficient way to utilize High-Stakes Job. The run does not need to be successful, so the only thing you have to be wary about are sentries - which Mongoose does not fear.But I agree, there are generally better options for criminal out there.I suppose you could burn your influence for Forked, to avoid Sentry stacking.
But High-Stakes says it must be successful. I read that card almost ten times now, every time misreading it, which is so ironic, for it is such a simple design.
Huh? What? I've just read it again and now it says the run must be successful.
That's weird man. Last time I checked it didn't say such a thing. Whatever, it seems I was mistaken.
I think this is one of the best sentry breakers in the game. I disagree that it gets lost amongst other Criminal killers because it's more versatile than the comparably costed Alias, much easier to install than Garrote, doesn't require the infrastructure of Switchblade, and sticks around longer than Faerie. Ninja isn't even worth talking about.
Garrote only costs 4 credits more to install and isn't limited to one ICE per run.
I consider Mongoose to be something Anarchs could splash. They have Forked, Parasite and Run Amok in-faction (to counter Sentry stacking) and it's a cheap killer that isn't limited to 3 strength. (I'm looking at you, Mimic)
I usually don't care for MU as a criminal. Nor am I worried about burst economy. My concerns as a criminal are cost-efficient breakers, as we are blessed with "fantastic" icebreakers, such as Aurora, Peacock and Leviathan.
But maybe that's just my personal preference.
A quick search through the available sentries shows that the Mongoose is really effective against the lower strength ice and manages to keep the price effectiveness against almost anything that is not a tracer. Given it is in Criminal, this might be an attempt to promote Mongoose + Gingerbread rigs.
On the other hand, this breaker shines only against multisubs like Tour Guide, Komainu, Pup. I think that this was meant to deal with Architect relatively cheap without having to spend influence for Mimic, but now that the MWL came it seems this card is a bit late.
Lastly, there seems to be a rise of multisub sentry ice, with Chetana and Brainstorm spoiled. If any of those make way into the meta this killer might be a really decent in-faction solution.
PS: I think Brainstorm will be really successful, as first turn Hedge Fund -> ice will make facechecking deadly. Enters Nero Severn.
Also note that the cover for Salsette Island is a cobra, which is the Mongoose' nemesis. So I predict that will be another fierce sentry which can be broken quite effectively by Mongoose. Maybe we should reevaluate it after the Mumbad cycle.
What about pairing with Gingerbread? Many Sentries are also Tracers.
That was my thought also, because Mongoose was ineffective only against tracers in the current pool and was at least decent against everything else (given that you are saving on the influence cost of Mimic). The downside is that to cover your precious parts from unexpected sentries you need to run Faerie as well. Until it rotates out, that is.
Perhaps combine it with some Shivs (if you have 2 Link or more), as an emergency breaker. In case Faerie rotates out.
I think this is solid enough to replace Alias in my for-fun Ian deck. It certainly is playable, particularly in a criminal deck desperate to shave off some influence. Decent.