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Vikram 1.0
, -- | Last updated Nov 25 2016 03:32 PM
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Vikram 1.0Type: ICE: Sentry - Bioroid - Tracer - AP Cost: 6 Faction: Corp Haas-Bioroid Faction Cost: 2 The Runner can spend [Click] to break any subroutine on Vikram 1.0. [Subroutine] The Runner cannot use programs for the remainder of this run. [Subroutine] Trace(4)- If successful, do 1 brain damage. [Subroutine] Trace(4)- If successful, do 1 brain damage. Strength: 5 Set: Kala Ghoda Number: 12 Quantity: Illustrator: Donald Crank |
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Netrunner is a TM of R. Talsorian Games, Inc. Android is TM & ©2012 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Netrunner is licensed by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2012 Wizards.
Finally, a new sentry bioroid that is affordable and strong. Ichi 1.0 now has competition.
So... Stronger Together plus a Brain-Taping Facility equals in a 3 to rez, 6 strength sentry with some very painful subroutines. Trace 4 can't be ignored! And unlike Ichi 1.0, this is (although a bit costly without BTF) good in the early game, as brain damage matters with or without installed programs.
Also note that the first subroutine suppresses any programs, including Medium/Nerve Agent and Datasucker.
How the first sub will react to Parasite or other "static" effects? I think it's clear that trigger on effect -like programs can't be triggered if the sub is fired.
Parasite triggers without the runner "Using" it. Using refers to paid abilities or activated abilities.
Very nice ice. Very solid.
The deckbuilder appears to be bugged. While it appears in the auto-fill for the top "add by name" box, it is not added to decks, and it doesn appear in any searches (by set, by sub-type: bioroid, etc). ...
I would assume that removing a virus counter from Imp counts as "using"?