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Type: ICE: Code Gate - Psi
Cost: 3
Faction: Corp Jinteki
Faction Cost: 1
[Subroutine] You and the Runner secretly spend 0 [Credit] , 1 [Credit] , or 2 [Credit] . Reveal spent credits. If you and the Runner spent a different number of credits, the Runner loses 2 [Credit] .
[Subroutine] Resolve a subroutine on a piece of rezzed psi ice.
“Connect two truths. Connect two programs. All is one.”
Strength: 4
Set: Salsette Island Number: 69 Quantity:
Illustrator: Adam S. Doyle
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Apr 21 2016 03:53 PM

Could be somewhat obnoxious in Nisei Division. Not really reliable, though.

So, you need to spend a card slot, pay 3, play a weird Psi game that won't matter anyway unless the Runner is already broke (why is he running anyway than) and then there must be another rezzed Psi ice in order to play a second Psi game for an inconsistent effect, seeing that there are only 4 Psi ice so far (this included).


At best it will make the Runner lose 2 and take 1 net damage, at worst you will never rez it and wonder why the hell did you include it in the first place. If we see some more Psi ice or a way for the Corp to give subtypes to its' own cards, Upayoga might become interesting. Giving Psi to Neural Katana sure sounds nice. But for now we can only dream about it.

    • Meadbeard likes this

If it rezzed for zero, it'd still be marginal at best in the current card pool.

Apr 21 2016 10:24 PM

So, you need to spend a card slot, pay 3, play a weird Psi game that won't matter anyway unless the Runner is already broke (why is he running anyway than) and then there must be another rezzed Psi ice in order to play a second Psi game for an inconsistent effect, seeing that there are only 4 Psi ice so far (this included).


At best it will make the Runner lose 2 and take 1 net damage, at worst you will never rez it and wonder why the hell did you include it in the first place. If we see some more Psi ice or a way for the Corp to give subtypes to its' own cards, Upayoga might become interesting. Giving Psi to Neural Katana sure sounds nice. But for now we can only dream about it.


It does not need to be another Psi ICE. It can target itself to initiate even more taxing Psi games that are more favorable to the corp in Nisei Division. I'll give an example.


Subroutine 1: corp spends 1c, runner 0c. ID refunds the corp 1c, runner loses 2c.

Subroutine 2: corp spends 0c, runner 1c. ID grants the corp 1c, runner loses another 2c.


In this example the corp would've gained 1c, while the runner lost 5c. Minus the 3c to rez it, the corp would still have an economic advantage of 3c.

    • KillerShrike and Tasku like this

[...] and then there must be another rezzed Psi ice in order to play a second Psi game for an inconsistent effect, seeing that there are only 4 Psi ice so far (this included).

Chetana is on its way, but still... Too janky, obviously.
    • Meadbeard and Valdemart like this

Chetana is a good call, and might make this playable. But I do agree that it is a credit or two too expensive.

    • Friman likes this
Apr 24 2016 12:05 AM

I never played a Nisei Division deck and likely never will, but this seems maybe legit in that context. Outside of it, not so much. It really commits to a taxing strategy, but in many scenarios would be toothless. Overall very weak.

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