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Drive By
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Drive ByType: Event: Double Cost: 0 Faction: Runner Criminal Faction Cost: 2 As an additional cost to play this event, spend [Click] . Expose 1 card installed in a remote server. Trash that card at no cost if it is an asset or upgrade. Muertos has no fear of the law. Muertos is the law. Set: The Underway Number: 64 Quantity: Illustrator: Mitchell Malloy |
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Netrunner is a TM of R. Talsorian Games, Inc. Android is TM & ©2012 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Netrunner is licensed by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2012 Wizards.
Zero cost double that blows something up? Super!
It never accesses the card, which is a blessing and a curse, and it's still vulnerable to Psychic Field; nonetheless very cool.
Yeah, this was spoiled a long time ago. I loved it then, and I love it still. Offers a great answer to annoying upgrades. Also, makes the central-only breakers somewhat more viable as well.
Am I correct in thinking this wouldn't work on a rezzed card?
Yes. "that card" refers to the card that was exposed. Rezzed cards can't be exposed, therefore Drive By has no valid target.
What happens if i use this while having a blackguard installed?
Can someone please explain if and how Zaibatsu Loyalty can stop Drive by from exposing either itself or another card?
The Corp pays the card's rez cost (if able) and then throws it in the trash.
Runner plays Drive By. Corp rezzes ZL in response, then pays a credit/trashes ZL. Drive By continues right on driving by without any effect.
It's pretty straight forward. Usually, you'd need a paid ability window to rez ZL so that you could use it's prevent ability, but the text on ZL even circumvents that by stating that you can rez it as a reaction to a card being targeted for exposure. Could you elaborate on what you were confused about?
Already answered by bozfoogle, thanks a lot