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Team Sponsorship
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Team SponsorshipType: Asset Cost: 1 Faction: Corp Haas-Bioroid Faction Cost: 1 Whenever you score an agenda, you may install a card from Archives or HQ, ignoring the install cost. The SanSan Outlaws have a close relationship with Haas-Biroroid’s sports engineering division, SHIFT. Trash: 4 Set: The Universe of Tomorrow Number: 110 Quantity: Illustrator: Mike Nesbitt |
Recent Decks Using This Card: From The Ashes |
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Netrunner is a TM of R. Talsorian Games, Inc. Android is TM & ©2012 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Netrunner is licensed by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2012 Wizards.
Score on click 1 to get a 1/2 out of hand and score it too? Yes please.
Splashes for 1, so will work well for a chain reaction on the last 2 Medical Breakthroughs in Jinteki, especially if you are already set up to score Agendas out of Archives. This will be a useful tool for fast advance.
It has a shot in my Harmony Medtech deck, where influence is always at a premium.
This has some potential usage in a glacier or stacked bioroid deck. If the runner trashes it, it's a good taxer, else it's an ok psuedo-econ (avoid paying the install cost to go deep on a server). Not stellar, but there are some possible uses here.
On the downside this card has obvious tempo problems. To be avoided in rush decks.
Absolutely correct - Team Sponsorship is the HB variant of Astro train, but much less pronounced. It saves you the click to install the next agenda in a currently secure server to score it the next turn, if it is a 3 advancement.
Given the fact that I really don't like the Astroscript due to it's go-to choice for tournament play, maybe it should have been something like this from the very beginning, but a Current. With SanSan Grid available the agenda train would still have been quite good an option and not so ever-dominant strategy that is uncounterable if you happen to draw badly against it.
My personal opinion is that the Runners need an event like Cost 3, "Make a run on HQ. If successful, instead of accessing cards, you may choose a scored agenda. Remove 1 agenda counter from that agenda."
Yeah, a way to remove scored agenda counters would be good. Turn Table can offer that, but very circumstantially.
Wow, really good idea. I'd send it to Lukas just to get that in the system, assuming they haven't already thought of a card like that. Even if Lukas is taking a step back, he'd surely pass it along.
I'm trying to think if this card would link well with research grant, does the timing window allow you to score them all out of HQ / archives using this card?
Oh my, I do believe priority timing will allow that:
Score Research Grant #1
Trigger Team Sponsorship to install Research Grant #2 from HQ or Archives
Trigger "simultaneous" text on Research Grant #1
Score Research Grant #2
Trigger Team Sponsorship to install Research Grant #3 from HQ or Archives
Trigger "simultaneous" text on Research Grant #2
Score Research Grant #3