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Symmetrical Visage
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Symmetrical VisageType: Resource: Genetics Cost: 2 Faction: Runner Neutral Faction Cost: The first time you spend [Click] to draw 1 card (not through a card ability) each turn, gain 1 [Credit] . Born for success! Set: The Valley Number: 9 Quantity: Illustrator: Tim Durning |
Recent Decks Using This Card: Sneaky Kit |
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Netrunner is a TM of R. Talsorian Games, Inc. Android is TM & ©2012 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Netrunner is licensed by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2012 Wizards.
A view this card as a baby (no pun intended) Professional Contacts. It does seem handy for the decks that wanna run Pro Con but don't like using influence or paying the 5 install cost.
Yeah, that's reasonable. Sometimes when really digging deep, ProCo gets hit multiple times per turn, but often it's a 1 click per turn deal, and this card covers that scenario much cheaper.
I basically like this; it's a decent little neutral click efficiency card. I think it will occassionally see play.
I'm pretty sure Adjusted Chronotype only applies when you lose a click, not when you spend one.
Yes, you are correct; I had misread it. I'll edit my comment.
Seems like a 1-of (at least) for any deck that clicks to draw with any regularity.
I like this in Anarch as an alternative to Wyldside.
I think this is a really solid card, and will be a great one-of in lots of runner decks. It's a non-****** version of Pro-Con.