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Weyland Consortium

Weyland Consortium

Weyland Consortium

Type: Identity: Megacorp
Faction: Corp The Weyland Consortium
The first time the Runner encounters a piece of ice with at least 1 advancement token on it each turn, do 1 meat damage.
Strength makes leaders.
Minimum Deck Size/Influence Limit: 40/12
Set: Blood Money Number: 38 Quantity:
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Aug 11 2016 03:02 PM

Muresh Bodysuit new meta!!!!!1

    • AdorablePython likes this
Dec 12 2016 01:01 AM

It triggers from non-advanceable ICE if Satellite Grid (Order and Chaos #23) is installed and rezzed in the same server.

    • KillerShrike likes this

Combine with Mr. Stone and The Cleaners, and you have the beginnings of a pretty cool hit squad.

Netrunner is a TM of R. Talsorian Games, Inc. Android is TM & ©2012 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Netrunner is licensed by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2012 Wizards.