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Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center
, Jul 17 2014 08:31 PM | Last updated Jul 22 2014 04:32 AM
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Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast CenterType: Identity: Division Faction: Corp NBN The first time you create a server each turn, draw 1 card. Minimum Deck Size/Influence Limit: 45/17 Set: Upstalk Number: 005 Quantity: 3 Illustrator: Emilio Rodriguez |
Recent Decks Using This Card: No decks currently use this card. |
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Netrunner is a TM of R. Talsorian Games, Inc. Android is TM & ©2012 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Netrunner is licensed by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2012 Wizards.
So we'll get to find out who Miranda Rhapsody's next boy toy is ASAP. Awesome!
Take any existing NBN deck, replace the identity with this, maybe replace Anonymous Tip and/or a few of the tracing ice if you were using MN, and tadaaa! You now have a better deck.
This ID sees so much play now.
I really hope it does not start a deflation, forcing FFG to release stronger IDs, or generalizing the 17 influence standard. This would be very harmful to older IDs.
That's a bit of a jump. It is a good Identity, no doubt about it, but it does have some minor downsides. Though they are easily mitigated, it does put some constriction on deck building and in-play decisions.
Overdrawing / self-milling puts the Corp player on a clock and can also crowd / flood HQ and lead to forced plays / wasteage.
The desire to optimize the ID's ability encourages the Corp player to play one and only one new remote per turn. Playing none is obviously suboptimal, and playing two or more can seem like a bit of a waste. Triple advancing comes with an opportunity cost (didn't get the card draw), while going horizontal discourages icing up a scoring server.
Thus the ID encourages the currently common fast advance, low-ice density, asset based economy build. It is strong, but that style of play has its problems as well and the meta will shift to expoloit them.
So, yeah, it is good, but it isn't broken good. And I don't personally think that the ID invalidates the older ID's. It is the new hotness, but there are still reasons to use the older NBN identities in deck styles that they are better suited to.