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Toshiyuki Sakai

Toshiyuki Sakai

Toshiyuki Sakai

Type: Asset: Executive
Cost: 0
Faction: Corp Jinteki
Faction Cost: 2
Toshiyuki Sakai can be advanced.
If Toshiyuki Sakai is accessed while installed, you may swap him with an agenda or asset from HQ. The new agenda or asset is installed unrezzed, and keeps all advancement tokens on Toshiyuki Sakai. The Runner can choose not to access the new card.
Set: Fear and Loathing Number: 092 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: RC Torres
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Jinteki Test
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Feb 22 2014 07:17 PM
Hmm... first glance nice/okay card.

Second glance...meh! When I win a classic Jinteki mind-game this card enables me to play a second one...?! Yay!
Nice to pair up with fetal AI
If the new agenda or asset could not be accessed, then this could be quite an interesting card. Then at least the runner has wasted the run (hence you bluffed him into running it once already). Then you get the card back all while putting something else in there that the runner would have to run the server for again. IF this were the case, then I can as the corp look to see if the runner can afford to run it again and maybe slip in an agenda there or if I think he might try again, waste additional resources of his to run a second time into something that isn't worth it.

I would use it if it ended the run basically. As is, I just don't see the desire.
Mar 03 2014 09:36 PM
This is a great mind game card. You can replace him with a junebug and potentially end the runner's game if he is aggressive. If the runner is very passive, replace it with an agenda to win on your next turn. This is a win win.
The guys at Agenda7 said it best (I believe it was their podcast. I listen to many of them. lol), this card makes terrible Jinteki players even worse. Because they think they are pulling off some cool trick. With what? Just install and advance the Project Junebug and save yourself a card slot. If the runner has already commited he's going to acess anyway, no matter the cost. This card doesn't change that equation. The card istself isn't worthless, but a low tier card all the same.
My first assessment was "this is never worth a card slot."
But, there is something cool it can do.
If you replace Toshiyuki Sakai on the table with a Toshiyuki Sakai in hq you have a relatively safe trick of light storage space. Until they kill the one in hq, that is.

Not the most useful effect, but cool.
Wait - so if you have one in hand and one installed, couldn't you just repeatedly swap both of them around until the runner gives up?
I mean, it could basically turn a rout into a time limit draw, right?

(Assuming you have enough of the aspergers to do something like that.)
    • Bobolequiff likes this
Jul 11 2014 09:34 AM

Wait - so if you have one in hand and one installed, couldn't you just repeatedly swap both of them around until the runner gives up?
I mean, it could basically turn a rout into a time limit draw, right?

(Assuming you have enough of the aspergers to do something like that.)


No. Take a closer look at the card. You're only allowed to have one of these in your deck. The little mark before a card's name means that.


But I have my own question now. Is this card theoretically untrashable? It says you may swap it with an asset/agenda card in HQ. If that's the case, Toshi goes into HQ, and your agenda or trap asset go out on the table. Making Toshi endlessly reusable. This would be a fantastic card for Jinteki bluffs. 

Jul 29 2014 06:04 PM

No. Take a closer look at the card. You're only allowed to have one of these in your deck. The little mark before a card's name means that.

No. The mark next to the name means that only one copy of the card can be active at a time. Cards in HQ are not active.

But I have my own question now. Is this card theoretically untrashable? It says you may swap it with an asset/agenda card in HQ. If that's the case, Toshi goes into HQ, and your agenda or trap asset go out on the table. Making Toshi endlessly reusable. This would be a fantastic card for Jinteki bluffs.

Toshiyuki can easily be trashed when accessed in HQ or R&D.

    • Friman likes this

No. The mark next to the name means that only one copy of the card can be active at a time. Cards in HQ are not active.


That's right. However, I have a question regarding this property. What's the point of Toshiyuki being a unique card thus being limited to only one copy of it being active at a time?

I mean, it basically works as an ambush that never has to be rezzed to work, thus I can hardly imagine a situation where 2 Toshiyukis would be active at the same time. The only possible one I can think of is corp having one rezzed outside of the current run (a dumb "Come at me, bro!" attitude?) thus activating the currently accessed one would lead to 2 Toshis being active simultaneously prompting the corp to trash the rezzed copy.


Can anyone explain it to me, what's the possible reason behind this restriction?

Dec 08 2014 07:02 AM

That's right. However, I have a question regarding this property. What's the point of Toshiyuki being a unique card thus being limited to only one copy of it being active at a time?
I mean, it basically works as an ambush that never has to be rezzed to work, thus I can hardly imagine a situation where 2 Toshiyukis would be active at the same time. The only possible one I can think of is corp having one rezzed outside of the current run (a dumb "Come at me, bro!" attitude?) thus activating the currently accessed one would lead to 2 Toshis being active simultaneously prompting the corp to trash the rezzed copy.
Can anyone explain it to me, what's the possible reason behind this restriction?

One, there's a thematic restriction on unique characters.

Two, there are forced rez effects (such as Blackguard).

One, there's a thematic restriction on unique characters.

Two, there are forced rez effects (such as Blackguard).


Right, that makes sense now. Thanks.

Edge of World; Snare; Shi.kyu; Shock; Plan B ... The two-star rating on this card is simply evidence that most of you have no idea what you're doing with or against Jinteki, which is good news for those of us who do. NOTHING indicates that the swapped card needs to be capable of being advanced, so the deadpans on "why not just play a straight Junebug?" are answered with "derpitude abounds." Edge of World alone justifies this card, and Plan B rounds it out.

Edge of World; Snare; Shi.kyu; Shock; Plan B ... The two-star rating on this card is simply evidence that most of you have no idea what you're doing with or against Jinteki, which is good news for those of us who do. NOTHING indicates that the swapped card needs to be capable of being advanced, so the deadpans on "why not just play a straight Junebug?" are answered with "derpitude abounds." Edge of World alone justifies this card, and Plan B rounds it out.


Couple this guy with Gagarain Deep Space, and have another copy of him in hand. Now just bait the Runner to run the server and start the troll game - he pays 1 to access, you swap him with the one in HQ and ask in the most innocent way would he like to pay 1 to access the new card. Take your time and repeat until he gives up or spends enough money to put in the server an NAPD contract (worth 5 to steal).


Another fun thing to do - if you happen to have not only a second copy, but also Government Takeover and Punitive in hand, you may surprise the Runner next turn quite nicely. Still, the above may be enough to push your oponent of the rails.

Oct 19 2015 07:37 PM

Edge of World; Snare; Shi.kyu; Shock; Plan B ... The two-star rating on this card is simply evidence that most of you have no idea what you're doing with or against Jinteki, which is good news for those of us who do. NOTHING indicates that the swapped card needs to be capable of being advanced, so the deadpans on "why not just play a straight Junebug?" are answered with "derpitude abounds." Edge of World alone justifies this card, and Plan B rounds it out.

He's awesome. And that's coming from somone who has never won with Jinteki. Ever. I've lost to jinteki plenty of times though.

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