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  • KarzinomEngel likes this



Type: ICE: Barrier
Cost: 2
Faction: Corp NBN
Faction Cost: 1
If there is no installed fracter, Wraparound has +7 strength.
[Subroutine] End the run.
Strength: 0
Set: Fear and Loathing Number: 096 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Ed Mattinian
Recent Decks Using This Card:
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Want to build a deck using this card? Check out the Android: Netrunner deckbuilder!


Feb 22 2014 07:13 PM
Wow... very nice ice.
Punishes AI breakers heavily and it's even splashable.
Probably very useful in combination with Power-Shutdown to keep the best/favourite fracter at bay... yes, I Corroder, I'm looking at you.
This should reduce the fear of an early crypsis somewhat.
Nice but parasite friendly
Parasite is only effective if there's an installed fracter.
    • Meadbeard, 4wallz and fourhorsemen like this
Swordsman is better as strictly anti-AI ice but this is just better ice in genenral
Feb 26 2014 11:12 AM
And the game mechanism is less constraining than Swordman. The Runner can still play an AI rig, it's just more expensive.
This card is a lot better than swordsman for a few reasons. Swordsman is vulnerable to instant parasites due to its low strength, which is something almost every AI deck implements. Swordsman is also vulnerable to Femme, which is also very popular in AI decks. Wraparound is vulnerable to one thing alone: fracters. And you almost NEVER see fracters in AI decks. This card is definitely going to force at least one fracter into every runner deck. This card is SO amazing in NBN, which currently has trouble getting decent barriers. Now you just throw a couple of these in as your only barriers and you're set. You force out the fracter, and it has done its job. If you're really lucky, the runner even spent more money than on inti/corroder.
    • 4wallz and Shuffletown like this
The bane of Kit.
This card is really strong against an Atman deck too. I got a buddy who runs no fracters. So it's almost an autolock out of a server when I play this. He has to femme it or use a bunch of parasite counters from Datasucker. Either way, I love it.
Feb 14 2015 07:38 PM

The thing that's great about this ICE is that even with a fracter installed, it's still a (likely) 1 credit tax. One of the best pieces of ICE in the game.

    • Meadbeard likes this

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