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Sweeps Week

Sweeps Week

Sweeps Week

Type: Operation
Cost: 1
Faction: Corp NBN
Faction Cost: 2
Gain 1 [Credits] for each card in the Runner's grip.
Set: True Colors Number: 076 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Mike Nesbitt
Recent Decks Using This Card:
Damage train
World Is Yours...
I wish I could complete this deck but CGDB is not up to date
NEH NeverAdvance
Want to build a deck using this card? Check out the Android: Netrunner deckbuilder!


Just imagine to have these card in starting hand against Andromeda!
    • AdorablePython likes this
but usually it will be 4 creds for 1 click. Pretty decent.
This card is soooo good. As close to auto-include in NBN as you can get. Who wouldn't want to add 3 more hedge funds given the option? Especially if they only take $1 to trigger instead of 5?
    • LeoLancer likes this
Jan 18 2014 11:51 AM
Sooo good, Hedge fund with -4 cost on a 5 card hand. NBN Beanstalk with +1 cost against 4 cards and godlike turn one eco vs Andromeda. I will also include this in Jinteki since opponents tend to draw their hand up to full to prevent Snare+EMP situations.
Amazing card.
vs Andy: net gain of 7 credits, more than any other card in the game
5 cards: sure gamble
4 cards: beanstalk
3 cards: GLC sans the draw
But what do I take out to get it in the deck!
I might just replace hedge fund as I tend to run a little poor.

But what do I take out to get it in the deck!
I might just replace hedge fund as I tend to run a little poor.

Well, if you have influence spent on Beanstalk/GLC/Celeb Gift, take them back and use Sweeps Week instead. The inf you saved spend on ICE.

But what do I take out to get it in the deck!
I might just replace hedge fund as I tend to run a little poor.

Do NOT take out hedge fund.
I used to run a Noise deck with Public Sympathy and Wyldside. An 11-card hand was not uncommon mid-game. Scratch that plan.
I'm pretty sure the target market described here is Chaos Theory.

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