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Hidden from the Empire
Submitted by
, Jul 16 2020 09:15 PM | Last updated May 19 2022 05:57 PM
wolfodeiwolfy and Trickster61 like this
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ControlTournament Quality
"Into exile I must go" - Yoda, Revenge of the Sith
Objective ()
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Total Cards: 0
If you can start the game with Hidden from the Empire (Vima's Objective), a Knobby White Spider, and Yoda's Hut you can maintain complete control over the game. They will only be able to play one unit on the first turn due to Hidden from the Empire. On your first turn you can simply throw down Yoda's Hut (and a Knobby White Spider if you haven't already put one into play with Journey Through the Swamp). You can also play a Jubba Bird (as you can sacrifice this during the conflict phase or during the refresh or draw phase of your opponent's next turn). Spend a resource to activate the Spider and attack with it to lock down the one unit they played on their first turn. Even if they win edge they will only be able to strike on the spider (thus focusing their unit out in the process). If it is a unit with two tactics this is problematic as your spider will be locked down for the next turn, so in that case try to win edge or if their defender is a character hopefully you have a Jubba Bird available to sacrifice to negate their tactics. Either way, you will then win force with Yoda's Hut and on their following turn they will not be able to play another unit due to hidden from the Empire. If you can get a second spider out on your second or third turn it is particularly nasty. You can continue to do this until you have cycled your hand into the Moldy Crow and Size Matters Not. Or, better yet, the Moldy Crow, Unfinished Business, and Size Matters Not. Because the Crow is a one of, you can settle for another unit with a couple blast damage like Ashoka or Luke's Landspeeder or triple tactics Yoda can also put them in a world of hurt, particularly with an Ashoka's Informant out who will significantly increase your odds of winning an edge battle when necessary. Hide from the Empire, bide your time in the shadows of Nar Shaddaa and the swamps of Dagobah, and wait for the opportunity to strike when you can hit them the hardest.
Schematic and thematic... I like it.