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Tactical Aptitude

Tactical Aptitude

Tactical Aptitude

Type: Upgrade
Cost: 0
After you activate attached character, you may draw a card. Then place a card from your hand on the bottom of your deck.
Side: Hero
Color: Red
Rarity: Common
Number: 99
Illustrator: Jeff Lee Johnson
Want to build a deck using this card? Check out the Star Wars Destiny Deck Builder!


Can you choose not to draw a card and then place a card from your hand on the bottom of your deck?

I'm pretty sure the answer is no. From the Rules Reference "In order to resolve an effect that is preceded by the word 'then', the previous effects on the card must have fully resolved (i.e. the game state changes to reflect the intent of the effect in its entirety)." A small wrinkle is the use of 'may' in the first part of Tactical Aptitude. However, I think the RR clearly indicates that the effect has to change the game state, which wouldn't happen if you choose not to draw a card.

Concern here is ".... to reflect the intent..." the first part of the card is optional so I can choose to draw or not to draw (0 or 1) and both choices are valid. Since I made a choice "then" pard can proceed. Anyway do we have any FFG statement on such cases?
Jul 06 2017 03:08 PM

The "may" is you can use the card effect or not....you don't get to bypass the one and use a "then" effect.