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General Grievous

General Grievous

♦General Grievous
Fearsome Cyborg

Type: Character
Health: 13
Point Values: 15 /20
Ignore all play restrictions on weapons played on this character. He can have one additional upgrade.
Power Action - If 4 of this character’s weapon dice are in your pool, deal 4 damage to a character.
Side: Villain
Color: Red
Rarity: Legendary
Number: 21
Illustrator: Ameen Naksewee
Want to build a deck using this card? Check out the Star Wars Destiny Deck Builder!


Is it possible to add any weapon on Grievous, and by that, I mean, can I have a yellow hero weapon in my deck to play on Grievous? (I play a Grievous/Dooku deck)

Being new to the forum, and the game itself... It says that ignores all play restriction on weapons played on this character. But he doesn't change the deck building rules. So you need at least one Yellow character to include an upgrade (weapon or whatever) of that colour. So for me would be a no. He can equip whatever lightsaber or weapon restricted to blue characters in your deck. The same way I don't think you could put a hero weapon on him but just because you should not put one in your deck.
If somehow you can steal one of the rival hero or yellow Weapons to your hand, you could equip it on Grievous though...

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