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Big Mek Nazdreg
Submitted by
, Mar 04 2017 06:00 PM | Last updated Feb 22 2018 09:35 AM
Text File
Copy the Decklist Below:
Orks Astra Militarum
Fun Tournament Quality
Hitting Bigga is Betta. A setup centered on unexpectedly readying your Nobs and Elites during combat, as well as the possibility of one insane combo..
Order by: NameTypeCost
Total Cards: 0
You'll need cash for this, so consider focusing on winning some command, traders, Scrap Nabbas, and saving up as a first round tactic if the first planet turns out to be unimportant or semi so.
The Huge Chain-Choppas go on the Flash Gitz, of course, so does the Rokkit Launchas ideally though these can go on the Thugs too if you have £3 and a squad of Sneakaz in hand.
Sneakaz are nice with the Blitza-Bommer or Brutes too, especially if your opponent struck first on the Brute, i.e. strike back, Sneakaz, strike again with Brute, strike with Sneakaz = enemies probably rather dead.
The incredible 4-combo arises from the situation of having a Tellyporta, a Big Shoota, a Fall Back!, and a Death Serves the Emperor: Big Shoota is destroyed during combat on the first planet; it generates 4x Snotlings; Death Serves the Emperor earns you £6; Fall Back! puts the Big Shoota back in your HQ; Tellyporta moves the Battlewagon back into the fight; you're left with 4x Snotlings, 1x Battlewagon at full health (all of them ready) and +£5 One can almost hear the peculiar Ork-circus music playing in the background..
Enjoy :)
Sample Hand:
Total Shields: 0
Average Shields Per Event/Attachment: 0
Total Command: 0
Average Command Per Unit: 0
I could see where Dark Eldar (mainly Kith) may be an issue. Kaloo's Nazdreg deck he used at worlds with Baclash and Rok Bombardments helped with that, plus the elite choices which you have. But I do like where you are going with this deck and it looks very solid. Having the option of playing the command game make it flexible.
I would drop the Strategists and move Crushface down to 1/2x, especially since you don't have any 1 cost Orks to trigger him with (read: Shoota Mob)
I could see where Dark Eldar (mainly Kith) may be an issue. Kaloo's Nazdreg deck he used at worlds with Baclash and Rok Bombardments helped with that, plus the elite choices which you have. But I do like where you are going with this deck and it looks very solid. Having the option of playing the command game make it flexible.