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Daemon Prince
Submitted by
, Oct 26 2016 01:17 PM | Last updated Apr 11 2020 07:29 PM
Dolmayan likes this
Text File
Copy the Decklist Below:
Chaos Dark Eldar
Tournament Quality
Chaos heavy hitter. A setup that demonstrates answers to most problems, featuring the full might of the Daemon Prince and Chaos Undivided.
Order by: NameTypeCost
Total Cards: 0
A Slaanesh-themed deck centered on the three premium core heavy Elite units of Chaos, but also with anti-swarm, plenty of control options, and even good alternate economy.
Don't field your Daemonettes lightly say, as command units. The Daemonettes are extremely powerful towards decisive battles so make sure to not waste their abilities due to them getting command sniped or quite simply positioning them wrong. Likewise, I recommend you never use the Disciples for command presence except in the utmost need.
The Prince's Might are mostly included to deal with standard Broderick swarm nonsense or nasty low cost units such as Snakebite Thugs, Bork'an Recruits, Warlock Destructors and all the popular 2-cost warlord groupies. Notice that Vha'Shaelhur himself is a Daemon, and so are the entirety of the deck's combat units.
The Mark of Slaanesh stands in for the Corrupted Teleportarium; in the end it's probably a matter of taste; I prefer the Mark due to the shield and its zero cost, but it can easily be swapped for the Teleportarium. I've lowered the Mark count to two in order to add an additional unit of Chaos Fanatics, boosting command presence and the host of Cultists; I believe the particular combination of units can be altered without lowering deck performance in a significant way. E.g. one might remove a Bloodletter and add a Soul Grinder or a Seeker of Slaanesh to boost command slightly and benefit from their individual abilities. The Purveyor of Hubris might also work for some, though I find it a tad expensive and too vulnerable to cards like Deception. There's no need to create unnecessary weaknesses.
Comments and suggestions are welcome as always.
Enjoy :)
Sample Hand:
Total Shields: 0
Average Shields Per Event/Attachment: 0
Total Command: 0
Average Command Per Unit: 0