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Hunting the Fallen
Submitted by
, Aug 03 2016 11:06 PM | Last updated Aug 26 2016 09:11 AM
Text File
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Space Marines Tau
Combo Theme
Silence may be golden, but heretics screaming their repentance is so much better.
Order by: NameTypeCost
Total Cards: 0
All about the surgical strike, the fact that there are enough Deep Strike cards to keep your opponent in the dark can make this tricky to anticipate. While not a Command superstar, the Tau supports really help to alleviate this problem and the Deathstorm Drop Pods ensure that just one or two units can deal damage beyond their cost before the fight even begins. If you can afford it Exterminatus can be deadly - none of your units in reserve will be affected. A suprising unit of note is the Deathwing Guard, who not will be your go-to Repent target (as they can take it) but get a MASSIVE boost from Rally the Charge. People do not expect it!
Sample Hand:
Total Shields: 0
Average Shields Per Event/Attachment: 0
Total Command: 0
Average Command Per Unit: 0
I'm trying out a Vezuel Elite deck which is going well enough but something you've done here has intrigued me on two counts: being thematic and making a hopeless card possibly work. That is the Deathwing Guard, ever since I first opened a coreset I've looked down on this card with disdain. When I saw it 3x here I thought, 'fair enough, they're Dark Angels like Vezuel' and then I saw Rally the Charge and it all made sense! Potentially a devestating combo at 10/9. Nice.
Thanks, it is indeed usually a useless card for marines (who can do so much better). However here it's VITAL to win command and Rally the Charge does just about make them a flighty unit. I love playing themed decks - even if they rarely work - just for the satisfaction when the combos come off.
I'm trying out a Vezuel Elite deck which is going well enough but something you've done here has intrigued me on two counts: being thematic and making a hopeless card possibly work. That is the Deathwing Guard, ever since I first opened a coreset I've looked down on this card with disdain. When I saw it 3x here I thought, 'fair enough, they're Dark Angels like Vezuel' and then I saw Rally the Charge and it all made sense! Potentially a devestating combo at 10/9. Nice.
I've been trying to make that combo work as well. It's fun when you can put it together for a nasty surprise.