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Hunting the Fallen


I'm trying out a Vezuel Elite deck which is going well enough but something you've done here has intrigued me on two counts: being thematic and making a hopeless card possibly work. That is the Deathwing Guard, ever since I first opened a coreset I've looked down on this card with disdain. When I saw it 3x here I thought, 'fair enough, they're Dark Angels like Vezuel' and then I saw Rally the Charge and it all made sense! Potentially a devestating combo at 10/9. Nice.

    • bigboss010 likes this
Aug 13 2016 09:44 AM
Thanks, it is indeed usually a useless card for marines (who can do so much better). However here it's VITAL to win command and Rally the Charge does just about make them a flighty unit. I love playing themed decks - even if they rarely work - just for the satisfaction when the combos come off.
    • N3dstark likes this

I've been trying to make that combo work as well.  It's fun when you can put it together for a nasty surprise.