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Nice deck, though with way too many cards. I think you need to focus more narrowly and decide what you want as key strategy for your deck, i.e. is it a Drop Pod ambush deck, a command choke deck, a spike-damage assassination deck, low-cost aggro-deck etc. At a glance you probably have too many attachments and events.
In your current setup I would cut:
3x Cenobyte Servitor (too expensive for a too janky effect, imho)
3x Iron Halo
1x The Black Sword
3x Accept Any Challenge (a thematic card, certainly, but too situational due to the conditions)
1x Crushing Blow
Instead I would add:
2x Primal Howl (Stronger than Accept Any Challenge due to the double shield and 0 cost)
3x Valkyris Pattern Jump Pack (Awesome on the Champion and BAVs, or even a fringe Sanctioned Psyker w/Librarians present)
That will take you down to 51 cards which is much more consistent. Give it some thought and consider Tau as allies as well (e.g. Earth Caste Technician et al.)