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OOE Elite w/ Polluter
Submitted by
, Oct 25 2016 11:36 AM | Last updated Oct 27 2016 01:30 PM
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Copy the Decklist Below:
Combo Experimental
Elite Nids with Mobility and economy
Order by: NameTypeCost
Total Cards: 0
This deck runs almost only elite army units, and Uses the Loamy Broodhive to generate free termagants (good value) as well as various other cards to protect/enhance/move your elites to where they need to be to ensure max value. Consumption is an anti-elite tech that you yourself are immnue to - Loamy Broodhive or invasion site ensure you at least get your money back.
Burst Forth is a great card for this deck since it says COMMIT meaning it works with Venothrope Polluter, allowing surprise elite moving to punch the enemy in the face.
Sample Hand:
Total Shields: 0
Average Shields Per Event/Attachment: 0
Total Command: 0
Average Command Per Unit: 0
15 elites (plus Synapse) is a bold statement, I like it. Makes Sudden Adaptation worthwhile too.
Looks like a deck that could quickly snowball into something very powerful, with all that 'elite refund' tech. But I'd worry about your chances of reaching that point in the first place due to the tight concentration of command icons plus the initial high-cost outlay required to get a couple of elites onto the board to get the ball rolling (remember that Chaos and their allies have access to up-front elite discounters rather than 'refunders').
With that in mind I agree that a 3rd STC would help ensure you draw one early game.
I do love Polluter, and it's always been my Synapse of choice with OOE. But I'm not sure how it benefits from Burst Forth? The combo will only work at first planet (assuming you can trigger the Commit ability twice at the same planet?), unless you play it at planet 2 or 3 and hope the enemy Warlord goes there - in which case they have initiative anyway.
I could well be missing something with Burst Forth, but I'd be inclined to swap them out for an extra STC and a couple of Fall Backs.
The Idea mgiht be that you could place the Burst forth where the enemy commander might commit for a future battle, allowing you to bring in an Elite to snipe some units/help win the battle. Althouhg tbf if you sent you warlord to first with some other units you might as well commit him.
I would drop either one Invasion site, or Loamy Broodhive to get a 3rd STC Fragment.
As well as drop two more cards to really get your deck down to 50 Cards for consistancy, you really want to see a STC Fragment asap.
Consumption is sacrifice rather than destroy, so you can't trigger Invasion Site for it.
Thanks for the warning.
I feel a 3rd STC fragment is dangerous since it increases the chance of dead cards, whereas loamy broodhive has always turned out well for me.
Looks like a deck that could quickly snowball into something very powerful, with all that 'elite refund' tech. But I'd worry about your chances of reaching that point in the first place due to the tight concentration of command icons plus the initial high-cost outlay required to get a couple of elites onto the board to get the ball rolling (remember that Chaos and their allies have access to up-front elite discounters rather than 'refunders').
With that in mind I agree that a 3rd STC would help ensure you draw one early game.
I do love Polluter, and it's always been my Synapse of choice with OOE. But I'm not sure how it benefits from Burst Forth? The combo will only work at first planet (assuming you can trigger the Commit ability twice at the same planet?), unless you play it at planet 2 or 3 and hope the enemy Warlord goes there - in which case they have initiative anyway.
I could well be missing something with Burst Forth, but I'd be inclined to swap them out for an extra STC and a couple of Fall Backs.
The Idea mgiht be that you could place the Burst forth where the enemy commander might commit for a future battle, allowing you to bring in an Elite to snipe some units/help win the battle. Althouhg tbf if you sent you warlord to first with some other units you might as well commit him.