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Web of Pain


Sep 28 2016 05:50 AM

Why use Nightshade Interceptor instead of Klaviex Warleader?

Sep 29 2016 07:29 AM
Well first and formost, in real life all my Klaivex Warleaders are in my Morn deck, who needs the punch/spot removal of powerful units; as she doesn't use Power From Pain and regularly has the resources available to Ambush. With this deck, it's important that I have a tough unit who can go a few rounds if necessary, as well as pull double duty with good command presence. Finally, this deck struggles against swarms (someone at my store still runs a brutally efficient Straken/Ork Staging Grounds deck) so the AOE is awesome for that. Ps it doesn't hurt that everyone expects the Klaivex and saves their Backlash...
The deck looks like it has trouble with command. I even see you dropping expensive 4 costers including the soul seizure which really bangs the buck. Next is the amount of supports are too many. It looks good on paper to swarm with supports but losing potential units to gain you the cards and resources you need makes the deck weaker.
Oct 27 2016 08:36 AM
Maybe the Alter of Torment could go, it's not doing much at the moment. However the others are really important: Palaces and Twisted Labs man that I can control fights and command a little more with fewer units; while the Crucibles let me dig for my vital cards for free when I play an event (mitigating the issue of their high cost slightly). While Soul Seizure is definitely expensive and only comes with one shield it's won me games with this deck. Most of the updates to this deck have actually concerned command and I'm happy that I can usually do well enough early on to start dominating soon after. Very do-or-die strategy but always fun to play and apparently very challenging face due to its unpredictability.