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Official Rule Clarifications !!Direct replies FFG only!!

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here is a question I asked about 2 weeks ago when i first saw the EoD cards in reference to the hunt for solo reaction going off when you moved a captive from another objective to the hunt for solo:

"Moving a captured card is not the same thing as capturing a card. So the captured card that is moved to a new objective is not considered "captured" a second time. (It has only been moved.) So you could not trigger "after you capture" type reactions when a card has only been moved."

Nate French
Senior LCG Designer
Fantasy Flight Games



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With Attack Pattern Delta spoiled, I saw that the card text could lead to some likely (and unlikely) questions so I went ahead and asked them. These are the questions and Nate's answers:


Rule Question:
In the upcoming Force Pack, The Battle of Hoth, the Objective Set Attack Pattern Delta was just previewed.

It's text is, "Action: If you control more Hoth objectives than your opponent, look at the top card of your deck. If it is a Vehicle unit with cost 2 or lower, put it into play. (Limit once per turn.)"

I have a number of questions regarding this action:

1) Since it is not a search, if the card you look at is a Vehicle with cost 2 or lower, are you therefore obligated to put it into play?

2) Is the direction to "look at" distinct from "reveal," i.e. only you, as the player initiating the action, gets to look at the card?

3) The text says "cost of 2 or lower" as opposed to "printed cost of 2 or lower." If there is an effect that makes a given Vehicle you look at cheaper (from say printed cost 3 to adjusted cost 2), would you be able to put it into play with this Action?

4) If you look at the top card of your deck and it is a Vehicle of cost 2 or lower that is also unique (such as Rogue Two) and you have a copy of it in play already, what happens? Presumably, a second copy cannot be put into play due to the explicit rule forbidding playing or putting into play another copy of a unique card, but do you have to declare that this occured? Do you have to show the card to your opponent?


1) Once you trigger the effect, you are obligated to put the card into play if you are able to do so.

2) Yes, it is distinct. "Look at" is player specific, reveal shows the card to everyone.

3) If such a card existed, it could lower the card's cost. It would have to be a very corner case effect, as the card is still in your deck, and effects don't interact with out of play states unless they specifically refer to that state. So it would have to be an effect that lowered the cost of cards being put into play from your deck.

4) You would be unable to put the second copy into play, and it remains on top of your deck. You do not need to show the card to your opponent. A tourney official can verify that a card is not a speeder, or a speeder that cannot be put into play, if the need arises.

Nate French
Senior LCG Designer
Fantasy Flight Games

None of these were very surprising, but it should hopefully get ahead of the inevitable rule debates such a card garners. I'd like to point out that the last question also implicitly adds a recourse for the Millennium Falcon ruling when you are playing in a tournament (or anytime you have a neutral third-party around). When the player takes the Falcon back in hand and does not put out a unit (which they are obligated to if they have a valid one in hand), you can have the TO check their hand.
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From a thread on BGG (http://www.boardgame...990838#12990838) relating to Over My Dead Body and Forced Reactions:

"Forced" is just a modifier, the Rancor ability is still considered a Reaction, and may be canceled by Over My Dead Body.

From the rules, page 24: "Some reaction and interrupt effects may also be Forced, making the execution of such an ability mandatory."

Nate French



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In answer to a question from these boards:


Rule Question:
Do effects that move tokens trigger effects that respond to the removal of tokens?

For example, if I use a Cloud City Operative to move a focus token off of one of my units, may my opponent play Succumb to the Cold! in response to focus the unit again?


Yes -- moving a token does, by necessity, remove it from its original location.

Nate French
Senior LCG Designer
Fantasy Flight Games



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My question, and Nate's reply:

Rule Question:
During an edge battle in which the attacking player was unopposed, the attacking player placed an edge card with 2 Force Icons into their edge stack. Which of the following is true?

1. The attacking player wins the edge battle by 2 icons (allowing him to play cards like Don't Get Cocky)


2. The attacking player simply wins the edge battle by default, regardless of how many cards were in the edge stack (and therefore cannot play cards like Don't get Cocky)?


The attacking player wins by 2 icons.

Nate French
Senior LCG Designer
Fantasy Flight Games
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Rule Question:
1) If the LS has Subzero Defenses out, and the DS strikes in an engagement against a Hoth objective first with a Tusken Raider, does the Raider return to hand after resolving the strike, or does it get destroyed?

Subzero Defenses happens automatically as soon as the strike resolves, before any opportunity to trigger the Tusken Raider reaction occurs.

Nate French
Senior LCG Designer
Fantasy Flight Games




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If DS puts Dark Memories on a character who has 1 damage capacity left and that character focuses to strike does the strike resolve before the 1 damage is dealt or does the character focus to strike and immediately die?
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The character dies before his strike goes off, because the focus token is applied in step 2 of "resolving a strike" before the combat icons get to go off in step 3.

Can a moderator split this off into a separate thread please. Thx.



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The character dies before his strike goes off, because the focus token is applied in step 2 of "resolving a strike" before the combat icons get to go off in step 3.

This has been confirmed by Nate, though. As you also pointed out, Patrick, that placing the focus token on a unit during the strike resolution step is actually a separate part and can be responded to by cards like Dark Memories and Spice Visions.




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If the attacking player use blockade runner, can the defender cast (with the right amount of resources) backstabber to block it even though it has 3 casting cost?



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If the attacking player use blockade runner, can the defender cast (with the right amount of resources) backstabber to block it even though it has 3 casting cost?

Yes you can play it as this is after defenders would be declared and gets around Blockade Runners ability. Also this should be in a new thread. This thread is for official FFG replies to be posted to only.



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Q: If you use Spice Visions to damage a unit instead of focusing it when using an ability that has "focus this unit" as a cost (eg Jabba), does that ability still resolve or does the game "see" that the cost hasn't been paid?

A: The ability still resolves. Spice Visions is just changing the type of token being placed, not the reason for why it is being placed. If it is still being placed to pay a cost, and the type is changed from focus to damage, the damage token has now paid the cost.



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In regards to using Trust Me when it only has one damage capacity remaining (from http://www.cardgamed...age/#entry51034):

If 'Trust Me' currently has 4 damage counters on it, can it still cancel an Event?

You can attempt to deal 2 damage to the objective, but as per the rule on page 21 (under damage), damage in excess of a card's damage capacity is ignored. Because of this, the (full) cost of the cancel effect is not successfully paid, and the effect does not occur.



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Some rulings relevant to Moisture Farmer, using Protect on damage dealt for a cost, and chaining Protects. You can find the original thread here http://community.fan...armer/?p=837989.

From a user who didn't quote their original question (but they should be obvious in context):

Protect only changes where the token is placed, so if you are protecting a card that is being damaged to pay a cost, the cost is still paid.

Yes, the cost has been paid. The damage has been dealt, and then redirected elsewhere by a series of effects.

Questions I asked:

Rule Question:
I have a few questions relevant to the new unit, Moisture Farmer:

1) If you use the Reaction on Questionable Contacts ("Reaction: After you refresh, damage this objective to move 1 damage from a target friendly unit to a target enemy unit.") and then have a Moisture Farmer take the damage instead of the objective (due to "Protect Tatooine"), is the cost still considered paid (i.e. may you then move 1 damage from a target friendly unit to a target enemy unit)?

2) If you use a Moisture Farmer's protect, may you then use another unit's protect character to take the damage from the Moisture Farmer (i.e. Can you chain protects?)? If yes, I assume this does not affect the proscribed limit on the damage that can be protected (e.g. if a Tatooine objective was about to recieve 2 damage, a Moinsture Farmer could still only take 1 of the damage, due to its damage capactiy of 1, even though that damage is in turn taken by another unit with protect character), yes?

1) Yes, the cost is still paid.

2) Yes, you can chain protects, but you will be constrained at each step along the chain -- so the Moisture Farmer could take one, and then that one could be transferred elsewhere, but you could not go back and give another damage to the Moisture Farmer.

Nate French
Senior LCG Designer
Fantasy Flight Games

TL;DR: Redirecting a cost doesn't nullify a cost being paid and you can chain protects but every step is still constrained normally.
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On the interaction of Imperial Blockade and Undercover Operative (with all DS objectives exhausted):

Rule Question:
If you you are the DS player and have the objective Imperial Blockade in play (While this objective is undamaged, increase the cost of the first unit card each opponent plays on his turn by 1.), it is undamaged, and all of your objectives are exhausted, what is the cost for a LS player to play an Undercover Operative (normally cost 1, card text is: Reduce the cost to play this unit to 0 if each enemy objective is exhausted.)? Which card's text has priority, or do neither and therefore is it the active player's choice as to what order they are applied?

Reduce to 0 is an absolute value, whereas increase by 1 is incremental. The absolute value is observed.

Nate French
Senior LCG Designer
Fantasy Flight Games

This sets an important precedent on absolute value adjustments trumping incremental (or decremental) adjustments for future cards.



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On the interaction of Hoth Rearguard (Protech Hoth) and Echo Base Shield Generator's action (placing damage on an enhancement):

Rule Question:
In the upcoming force pack, The Battle of Hoth, there is a new unit, Hoth Rearguard, with the Keyword, "Protect Hoth." In the rules for Protect in the rule book, it states, "A card with the Protect keyword may take damage instead of any friendly card in play with the specified trait." Does this mean that when you use the action on Echo Base Shield Generator (Action: Place 1 damage on this enhancement to place 1 shield on a target unit or Hoth objective...) you may instead place the damage on a Hoth Rearguard unit since that enhancement has the Hoth trait and Protect only requires a "friendly card" as opposed to a friendly unit or objective card?

Yes, you may use the Rearguard to protect the Shield Generator.

Nate French
Senior LCG Designer
Fantasy Flight Games

So, protect is explicitly confirmed to apply to any friendly card (with the matching trait), not just friendly units or objectives.

Remember that based on prior rulings, using protect to redirect damage when the damage is a cost does not change the cost being paid.
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The question:

If my opponent chooses a unit for the action ability on Killing Cold can I play Narrow escape to choose a new unit?

I am thinking that I can’t because Killing Cold is not targeting the unit whereas Narrow Escape has the wording “chooses a single target.” So I am assuming that Narrow Escape only works on an ability that is targeting a single unit and Killing Cold doesn’t require you to target the unit.

Here is Nate's answer.

As Killing Cold does not use the word "target" in its effect, it does not choose a target. Therefore, Narrow Escape could not Interrupt the Killing Cold effect.



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Prepare for Evacuation

Yes -- as it's an interrupt, it resolves before the resolution of its triggering effect. So it can interrupt its own destruction.

If the effect were a reaction (and therefore happening after the resolution of its triggering effect), it would not be able to react to its own destruction.

Nate French
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Rule Question:

If I have 2 attack pattern deltas out for my objectives, can i use them both once in my turn, and again in my opponents turn?

same question for the snowspeeder launch bay. If i have 2 out, can i use each during my conflict phase?

Yes: the limit on these cards applies to the ability on that copy of the card. If you have multiple copies, you may trigger each one once each turn.

And yes, your turn is one turn, and your opponent's turn is another turn.

Note that "limit 1 per turn," which you'll find on events, applies to all copies of that event, by title. (Key difference between "limit once" and "limit 1".)

Nate French
Senior LCG Designer
Fantasy Flight Games
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Mod should probably clean up this thread since a whole bunch of posts are not official responses from FFG.