Deck: The Rose Price - Worlds 2015 2.0 Melee Side Event Winner
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The Rose Price - Worlds 2015 2.0 Melee Side Event Winner
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, Oct 24 2015 09:17 PM | Last updated Nov 17 2015 12:07 AM
KruppSteel, Masus04 and alicelouise58 like this
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Tournament Quality
1st Place Worlds 2.0 Melee Side Event (3 rounds of Swiss, so only one 3-0)
Order by: NameTypeCost
Total Cards: 0
Taking the Black was legal so I switched out the 2nd Clash of Kings for Rise of the Kraken. (Edit: Now correctly shown after deckbuilder update). The game ends pretty quickly so duplicate plots didn't really feel necessary anyway. I might also have found space for Support of the People and probably 1 Street of Sisters if I'd had time to work out what to drop.
The tournament was only 3 rounds of Swiss so this doesn't prove much, none the less it was the only 3-0 and final table included two of the top melee players in the world.
The deck is a straightforward power rush that tries not to make any enemies, accumulate a bit of power through renown (without being a target), and set itself up to quickly unleash at the right moment.
On the final table it went from 2 power to 15 on Round 2 without using any of the fancy plot effects. I think I actually played A Noble Cause that round (HotK title, 4 unopposed, rival, superior claim, double Kraken, renown on Balon and Flowers)
Sample Hand:
Plot Income: Average Plot Income: 0 Setup Eligible Cards: 0
If you are wanting to cut something for wildfire I would probably go with the second Clash of kings, It's a great plot to close with but I don't know how often you'll need two of them. However, I don't play Melee that often so feel free to completely ignore me.
I played with this deck but got crushed because of intrigue. In my first three card draws I didn't pick a single character with an intrigue icon or little bird. Only eight characters (dupes not counted) with intrigue. Otherwise a fun deck. I recommend adding Alannys and Maester Lomys and scratch Wendamyr. You have plenty of power icons and as a uni-icon, besides stealth, he isn't that strong.
Exactly the house combination I was thinking for melee! (I seem to remember mentioning Tyrell were good for melee in that thread...)
I think I prefer Calling the Banners to Noble Cause. Chances are someone is going to have the 4 characters needed for it to equal Noble Cause on gold (assuming you have a noble to reduce), and then you get better protection from Naval Superiority if anyone chances that in melee, and a little more initiative too.
That's fair. I guess it depends how much flexibility you want on Turn 1 when occasionally CtB won't really fire and you may not want to open Calm. But it's definitely as valid an option as Noble Cause.
I played with this deck but got crushed because of intrigue. In my first three card draws I didn't pick a single character with an intrigue icon or little bird. Only eight characters (dupes not counted) with intrigue. Otherwise a fun deck. I recommend adding Alannys and Maester Lomys and scratch Wendamyr. You have plenty of power icons and as a uni-icon, besides stealth, he isn't that strong.
It's a potential danger, though depending on how everyone sets up, using Calm as Intrigue cover in round 1 can be an option (if you've drawn no Int at all you're probably fine for Mil). Melee tends not to last for too many rounds anyway. The little birds help too as does the cheapness of the Courtesans (sure Courtesan isn't going to prevent the discard, but in melee if there's an unopposed going elsewhere you're unlikely to take multiple hits).
Damphair actually probably isn't as vital in melee so Alanys could replace him as I do agree that a little more Int might be useful. This change also allows the Iron Thrones to drop in favour of Street of Sisters and/or Support of the People. I like Wendy in melee as cheap Stealth on a Power character is huge in that format. He can be the difference between being able to make 15 Power or being stranded on less and then taken apart by the entire field. If your Asha is dead or didn't turn up, he also helps a lot with Informant's or HotK's second challenge.
I really like the look of this, will give it a try myself tomorrow!
If you are wanting to cut something for wildfire I would probably go with the second Clash of kings, It's a great plot to close with but I don't know how often you'll need two of them. However, I don't play Melee that often so feel free to completely ignore me.
Im actually going to use it for Joust
, and its a tough choice regarding the final plot slot. Ill report back when I get the chance.
I played with this deck but got crushed because of intrigue. In my first three card draws I didn't pick a single character with an intrigue icon or little bird. Only eight characters (dupes not counted) with intrigue. Otherwise a fun deck. I recommend adding Alannys and Maester Lomys and scratch Wendamyr. You have plenty of power icons and as a uni-icon, besides stealth, he isn't that strong.
I think I prefer Calling the Banners to Noble Cause. Chances are someone is going to have the 4 characters needed for it to equal Noble Cause on gold (assuming you have a noble to reduce), and then you get better protection from Naval Superiority if anyone chances that in melee, and a little more initiative too.
That's fair. I guess it depends how much flexibility you want on Turn 1 when occasionally CtB won't really fire and you may not want to open Calm. But it's definitely as valid an option as Noble Cause.
It's a potential danger, though depending on how everyone sets up, using Calm as Intrigue cover in round 1 can be an option (if you've drawn no Int at all you're probably fine for Mil). Melee tends not to last for too many rounds anyway. The little birds help too as does the cheapness of the Courtesans (sure Courtesan isn't going to prevent the discard, but in melee if there's an unopposed going elsewhere you're unlikely to take multiple hits).
Damphair actually probably isn't as vital in melee so Alanys could replace him as I do agree that a little more Int might be useful. This change also allows the Iron Thrones to drop in favour of Street of Sisters and/or Support of the People. I like Wendy in melee as cheap Stealth on a Power character is huge in that format. He can be the difference between being able to make 15 Power or being stranded on less and then taken apart by the entire field. If your Asha is dead or didn't turn up, he also helps a lot with Informant's or HotK's second challenge.