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Watching from the Wall
Submitted by
, Oct 07 2016 05:54 AM | Last updated Oct 07 2016 05:54 AM
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1st deck attempt at GoT 2nd Ed.
Order by: NameTypeCost
Total Cards: 0
Hey guys, I've come across to AGoT after the death of 40k conquest and have split some core sets with some friends (hence the limited number of milk of the poppy). I own all core Stark when Nights Watch cards, with at least 1 copy of neutral cards.
I was just wondering what everyone thought? Basically I'm going be generating a fair amount of economy whilst trying to limit my opponents via KoW and the occasional Contribution etc.
The deck aims to get Old Bear out and defend the wall, but can win in other ways if he doesn't a show up etc.
Jon Show is currently just a placeholder for Halfhand, but he helps other elements of the deck hit a bit harder while standing for intrigue defence.
What does everyone think? Completely open to comments/critisms but please remember I've only just started and definitely don't have a solid grip on the (Australian) meta.
Thanks guys!
Sample Hand:
Plot Income: Average Plot Income: 0 Setup Eligible Cards: 0