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Select a Clan:
C: (0/45) D: (0/45) I: (0/0)
- Stronghold
- Role
- Province (0)
- (0/1) (0/1) (0/1) (0/1) (0/1)
- Character [Dynasty] (0)
- Character [Conflict] (0/10)
- Holding (0)
- Attachment (0)
- Event (0)
Current Deck: New Unsaved Deck - Deck Not Saved! -
Sample Hand:
Auto Update Graphs:
Turning this off will stop the graphs from updating after each card is added or removed. This can greatly increase performance on older tablet devices. When this is off you must click the refresh button above the graphs to see current data.
Turning this off will stop the graphs from updating after each card is added or removed. This can greatly increase performance on older tablet devices. When this is off you must click the refresh button above the graphs to see current data.
Show card images:
Turning this off will show the card information as text rather than as the card image.
Turning this off will show the card information as text rather than as the card image.
Select Your Preferred Theme:
The Deckbuilder will resize automatically but you can also choose your preferred layout to override the default. Hover over a name to see
a description, click on a name to set your preferred view.
- Wide Screen
- Wide Deck and Search, No center image
- Vertical Layout, No center image
- Default
Choose a View to preview on the left.