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Dragon/Crane Sample Build 1
Submitted by
, Oct 02 2017 02:38 AM | Last updated Oct 02 2017 02:38 AM
- Zalo333 likes this
Tags: Casual
Clan: Dragon
Conflict Cards:
Dynasty Cards:
Influence: /
This is a generic deck designed around Stronghold assault.
Fun combos:
-Mirumoto Prodigy with Admit Defeat, Indomitable Will, or either Monk-Character-Attachment
-Mirumoto Raigetsu with weapon attachments for duels
-Political Rival is a great defender in political conflicts with Poli-6 (add an Ornate Fan or Kitsuki's method for Poli-8 or -10 while defending)
-Duelist Training with weapon attachments
Fun combos:
-Mirumoto Prodigy with Admit Defeat, Indomitable Will, or either Monk-Character-Attachment
-Mirumoto Raigetsu with weapon attachments for duels
-Political Rival is a great defender in political conflicts with Poli-6 (add an Ornate Fan or Kitsuki's method for Poli-8 or -10 while defending)
-Duelist Training with weapon attachments
Sample Hand: