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Rolling Waves of the Phoenix
Submitted by
, Jan 29 2018 10:26 AM | Last updated Jan 30 2018 10:00 AM
Tags: Tournament Quality
Clan: Phoenix
Conflict Cards:
Dynasty Cards:
Influence: /
The idea is to use the excellent cheap Phoenix personalities from the dynasty deck to prod at your opponent for Political conflicts and then deploy the conflict characters to win Military where Phoenix is relatively weak. Stoic Gunso is particularly effective, sacrificing a bowed personality with no fate is relatively easy to setup. Hiruma Skirmisher Coverting the last defender and then being swapped for the Stoic Gunso is also a great way to sneak any province.
The deck is also able to make excellent use of Master of Gisei Toshi as it runs so many attachments and the full 10 conflict characters. This also gives it a much better match up against Scorpion than most Phoenix decks.
Kanjo District is incredibly powerful and really punishes large expensive personalities. I run only 2 Miya Satoshi as if you see one before Kanjo District you have a 1/2 of seeing the Kanjo instead of 1/3.
Jade Tetsubo + Embrace the Void is an unlikely combo to pull off but both cards work on their own in the deck. Embrace your opponents characters early even if it is just for 1 as you are very hungry for fate.
I played this at CanCon and went 3/2, beating 2 Scorpion and a Crab. The losses were to Phoenix and Crane. I already want to swap out an Ambusher for the third Gunso.
The deck is also able to make excellent use of Master of Gisei Toshi as it runs so many attachments and the full 10 conflict characters. This also gives it a much better match up against Scorpion than most Phoenix decks.
Kanjo District is incredibly powerful and really punishes large expensive personalities. I run only 2 Miya Satoshi as if you see one before Kanjo District you have a 1/2 of seeing the Kanjo instead of 1/3.
Jade Tetsubo + Embrace the Void is an unlikely combo to pull off but both cards work on their own in the deck. Embrace your opponents characters early even if it is just for 1 as you are very hungry for fate.
I played this at CanCon and went 3/2, beating 2 Scorpion and a Crab. The losses were to Phoenix and Crane. I already want to swap out an Ambusher for the third Gunso.
Sample Hand: