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Scorpion REactive v.2.0
Submitted by
, Aug 29 2017 08:08 PM | Last updated Aug 29 2017 08:08 PM
Tags: Control
Clan: Scorpion
Conflict Cards:
Dynasty Cards:
Influence: /
Drawing a lot during fisrt turn and then reduce on the following. Try to keep fate tokens to conflict cards, putting into play enought personalities with no fate on it (only fate on the most fundamental). Try to play lowing the skills on opponent's characters and defend only with one personality or none (you have: ambush, blackmail, mirumoto's fury, assassination, adept of shadows and Shosuro Actress to surpise and remind at home to counterattack). In Short, dishonoring a lot and play the more reactive you can, keeping all the fate you can for the cause.
Possible changes: "Indomitable Will" by "Tattoed Wandered", and maybe add 1 more "For Shame" and 1 more "Ambush".
Possible changes: "Indomitable Will" by "Tattoed Wandered", and maybe add 1 more "For Shame" and 1 more "Ambush".
Sample Hand: