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Opening Night

Opening Night

Opening Night

Type: Conspiracy Faction: Hastur
Struggle Icons:(T) (T) (T) (T) (T)
Game Text:
Night. It is Night. After Opening Night enters play, destroy all Day cards.
Response: After you succeed at this conspiracy, restore and ready a character. Any player may trigger this ability.
Set: The Mark of Madness
Number: 35
Illustrator: Cristi Balanescu


The first 5-terror conspiracy, this is the perfect playground for Hastur 3.0 and a roaring engine for Drawing the Sign.

Night is actually more of a drawback IMO as it gives human decks many opportunities to get rid of it.

Will require to build around with enough terror icons on your early game characters to benefit, but this card will win games. 4/5.

Commit Scheme of Byakees to hammer even a non opposing opponent.

Oct 26 2015 10:43 AM

What is the "Any player may trigger this ability" bit for?

Wouldn't that be the default?

Normally only the controller of a card can trigger its ability.  Story cards (whether a Conspiracy or not) do not have a controller, so without this text I think nobody would be eligible to trigger it.

    • Carthoris and RichardPlunkett like this

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