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Cotter Pyke
, Jan 19 2012 09:51 PM | Last updated Feb 18 2012 05:58 AM
Cotter PykeType: Character House: Greyjoy Cost: 5 Strength: 3 Icons: Military, Power Game Text: Ironborn. Night's Watch. No attachments. Intimidate. Melee. If a Black Raven card is not in play, it is Winter. Flavor Text: "If you muck this up, I'm going to rip your liver out and eat it raw with onions." Number: 86 Set: TBC Quantity: 3 Illustrator: Paco Rico Torres |
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The reason I ask is because, by having 3 STR, that means 2 and under cannot defend. So a char with 3str defends, Cotter now have 4str. Does that mean the next char the defender kneels HAS to be 4str or higher? Or does intimidate only work for initiating the challenge, and not "stack" because of the Melee keyword?
I'm probably answering my own question but I think it does not work that way.
So if you attack with Cotter and your opponent defends with a 4 STR character, Cotter becomes a 4 STR character. Lets say your opponent forgets about the intimidate and they want to win on the defense, so they naval in another 4 STR character. Cotter becomes a 5 STR, due to melee, and neither defender counts their STR.