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The Siege of Winterfell
, Aug 17 2010 04:41 AM | Last updated Mar 01 2011 06:58 PM
The Siege of WinterfellType: Agenda House: Stark Game Text: You cannot claim power for your House except during a Military challenge. Response: After you win a Military challenge, claim 2 power for your House. Number: 48 Set: LoW Quantity: 3 Illustrator: Andrew Navaro |
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I read this card to mean that during military challenges, you get to claim 2 power on top of however many kills you get from your claim value on your plot card. You could also get renown and unopposed token claims during the military challenges. During intrigue challenges, you would get the hand card(s) discard, but no tokens for Renown/UO. During power challenges you would be moving whatever your plot claim value is and putting the tokens back in the pool, not your house card, no Renown/UO token claims.
Military: If you win, opponent's characters die (assuming you have a claim value), and you claim 2 power. If it's unopposed, you claim a third power. You also claim any renown power.
Intrigue: If you win, opponent discards cards at random (assuming you have a claim value), and you gain any renown power.
Power: If you win, you *move* (different from claiming) power from your opponent's house card (assuming you have a claim value) to your house card, as well as any renown power for your characters.
Make sense? Siege is much stronger than people give it credit for, to be honest.
Is there a difference between moving power and claiming power?
Moving power is not considered claiming power. If an effect prevents you from claiming power for your House card, you cannot bring power into the game from the power pool and place it on your House card. You can, however, move power that is already in the game onto that House card by, for example, winning a power challenge.
Siege of Winterfell prevents power tokens being placed on the house card that originate from the gameboard/reserve pool EXCEPT while a military challenge is in progress.
All other power movement onto and between characters as well as power movement between house cards (by Power challenges for example) is unaffected by the agenda.
Needless to say -- OOH Mel in a Stark Siege is about as worthless as nipples on a breastplate.