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Bow before your King... Save then Kneel/Stand
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Kraken (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Clash of Kings (Core Set) 1x A Feast for Crows (Core Set) 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 2x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Summons (Core Set) 1x A Song of Summer (Wolves of the North)
Character: 1x Littlefinger (Core Set) 2x Maester Cressen (Core Set) 3x Melisandre (Core Set) 3x Robert Baratheon (Core Set) 2x Selyse Baratheon (Core Set) 2x Ser Davos Seaworth (Core Set) 1x Shireen Baratheon (Core Set) 3x Fiery Followers (Core Set) 3x Dragonstone Faithful (Core Set) 3x Asha Greyjoy (Core Set) 1x Theon Greyjoy (Core Set) 2x Renly Baratheon (Taking the Black) 2x Ser Barristan Selmy (True Steel) 1x Edric Storm (Lions of Casterly Rock) 3x Victarion Greyjoy (Lions of Casterly Rock) 3x Aeron Damphair (There Is My Claim)
Attachment: 3x Bodyguard (Core Set) 1x Lightbringer (Core Set) 3x Throwing Axe (Core Set)
Event: 3x Seen In Flames (Core Set) 2x Healing Expertise (Wolves of the North)
Location: 1x The Iron Throne (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 3x Dragonstone Port (Core Set) 1x Chamber of the Painted Table (Core Set) 2x The Red Keep (Core Set) 3x Iron Mines (Calm Over Westeros)
, Dec 09 2016 02:41 PM
Last updated Mar 04 2017 08:47 PM
4 comments, 4200 views
Jaime Shagga Fun
New version of my Stark sacrifice deck. Built to be playable in melee, might work in joust but would require some changes.
Comments and suggestions appreciated! :)
Agenda: 1x Fealty (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calling the Banners (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Summons (Core Set) 1x Wardens of the North (No Middle Ground) 1x Fallen from Favor (Wolves of the North)
Character: 2x Arya Stark (Core Set) 3x Bran Stark (Core Set) 2x Robb Stark (Core Set) 1x Summer (Core Set) 3x Tumblestone Knight (Core Set) 3x Winterfell Steward (Core Set) 1x Hodor (No Middle Ground) 3x Catelyn Stark (Wolves of the North) 3x Eddard Stark (Wolves of the North) 3x The Blackfish (Wolves of the North) 2x Jon Snow (Wolves of the North) 1x Jory Cassel (Wolves of the North) 3x Riverrun Minstrel (Wolves of the North) 2x Sansa Stark (Wolves of the North) 2x House Tully Septon (Wolves of the North) 2x Rickon Stark (Wolves of the North) 2x Septa Mordane (True Steel)
Attachment: 2x Bodyguard (Core Set) 1x Lady (Taking the Black) 2x Needle (Wolves of the North)
Event: 3x Support of the People (Taking the Black) 2x Arya’s Gift (Wolves of the North)
Location: 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 2x The Roseroad (Core Set) 1x Gates of Winterfell (Core Set) 3x Heart Tree Grove (Core Set) 1x Winterfell Castle (The Road to Winterfell) 2x Riverrun (Across the Seven Kingdoms)
, Jul 23 2016 11:55 AM
Last updated Aug 09 2016 04:08 PM
4 comments, 4006 views
Agenda: 1x Fealty (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calling the Banners (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 2x Reinforcements (Core Set) 1x Summons (Core Set)
Character: 2x Daenerys Targaryen (Core Set) 3x Drogon (Core Set) 3x Khal Drogo (Core Set) 3x Rhaegal (Core Set) 3x Viserion (Core Set) 2x Viserys Targaryen (Core Set) 3x Targaryen Loyalist (Core Set) 3x Rakharo (The Road to Winterfell) 2x Syrio Forel (The Road to Winterfell) 3x Aggo (Wolves of the North) 2x Mirri Maz Duur (Calm Over Westeros) 3x Jhogo (True Steel)
Attachment: 3x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 3x Drogo’s Arakh (Core Set) 1x Crown of Gold (The Road to Winterfell)
Event: 3x Dracarys! (Core Set) 2x Fire and Blood (Core Set) 3x Nightmares (Calm Over Westeros)
Location: 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Plaza of Punishment (Core Set) 2x Dothraki Sea (Core Set) 3x Illyrio’s Estate (Core Set)
, Jun 18 2016 12:57 PM
Last updated Jun 18 2016 12:57 PM
0 comments, 2768 views
This deck is meant to abuse stong characters with hear me roar and never bet against family to win intrigue challenges then use locqtion effects to gain advantage.
Agenda: 1x Fealty (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Game of Thrones (Core Set) 1x Building Orders (Core Set) 1x Calling the Banners (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Counting Coppers (Core Set) 1x Wildfire Assault (Core Set) 1x Wardens of the West (The Road to Winterfell)
Character: 2x Littlefinger (Core Set) 3x Cersei Lannister (Core Set) 3x Ser Jaime Lannister (Core Set) 2x Tyrion Lannister (Core Set) 3x Tywin Lannister (Core Set) 3x Lannisport Moneylender (Core Set) 3x Lannisport Merchant (Core Set) 3x The Hound (Taking the Black) 2x Ser Gregor Clegane (The King's Peace) 3x Red Cloaks (No Middle Ground) 1x Ser Ilyn Payne (True Steel)
Attachment: 1x Seal of the Hand (Core Set) 2x Bodyguard (Core Set)
Event: 3x Hear Me Roar! (Core Set) 3x The Things I Do For Love (Core Set) 3x Treachery (Core Set) 3x I Never Bet Against My Family (The King's Peace) 3x Trial by Combat (Calm Over Westeros)
Location: 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 3x Lannisport (Core Set) 2x Shadowblack Lane (The Road to Winterfell) 3x Tower of the Hand (Wolves of the North) 3x Small Council Chamber (True Steel)
, Jun 06 2016 04:42 AM
Last updated Jun 06 2016 04:42 AM
0 comments, 1945 views
Casual Fun
Building 4 melee decks out of only 2 cores. This is the Greyjoy/Targaryen one. Military/Power-focused, very aggressive.
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Dragon (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Storm of Swords (Core Set) 1x A Clash of Kings (Core Set) 1x Calling the Banners (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Marched to the Wall (Core Set) 1x Marching Orders (Core Set) 1x Sneak Attack (Core Set)
Character: 1x Littlefinger (Core Set) 1x Varys (Core Set) 1x Rattleshirt’s Raiders (Core Set) 2x Wildling Horde (Core Set) 2x Aeron Damphair (Core Set) 2x Asha Greyjoy (Core Set) 2x Balon Greyjoy (Core Set) 2x Euron Crow’s Eye (Core Set) 2x Maester Wendamyr (Core Set) 2x Theon Greyjoy (Core Set) 2x Black Wind’s Crew (Core Set) 2x Drowned Men (Core Set) 2x Iron Islands Fishmonger (Core Set) 2x Lordsport Shipwright (Core Set) 2x Salty Navigator (Core Set) 2x Drogon (Core Set) 1x Magister Illyrio (Core Set) 2x Rhaegal (Core Set) 1x Ser Jorah Mormont (Core Set) 2x Viserion (Core Set) 2x Braided Warrior (Core Set) 2x Unsullied (Core Set)
Attachment: 1x Little Bird (Core Set) 1x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x Throwing Axe (Core Set)
Event: 1x Put to the Sword (Core Set) 1x Put to the Torch (Core Set) 2x Risen from the Sea (Core Set) 2x We Do Not Sow (Core Set)
Location: 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 1x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Great Kraken (Core Set) 2x Iron Fleet Scout (Core Set) 3x Sea Tower (Core Set)
, Nov 09 2015 09:04 AM
Last updated Nov 09 2015 09:31 AM
0 comments, 2471 views
Building 4 melee decks out of only 2 cores. This is the Watch/Stark one. Balanced and defensive.
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Wolf (Core Set)
Plot: 1x Building Orders (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Filthy Accusations (Core Set) 1x Marched to the Wall (Core Set) 1x Marching Orders (Core Set) 1x The Winds of Winter (Core Set) 1x Wildfire Assault (Core Set)
Character: 1x Littlefinger (Core Set) 1x Varys (Core Set) 1x Rattleshirt’s Raiders (Core Set) 2x Benjen Stark (Core Set) 2x Ghost (Core Set) 2x Jon Snow (Core Set) 2x Maester Aemon (Core Set) 2x Old Bear Mormont (Core Set) 2x Samwell Tarly (Core Set) 2x Ser Waymar Royce (Core Set) 2x Yoren (Core Set) 2x Messenger Raven (Core Set) 2x Old Forest Hunter (Core Set) 2x Ranging Party (Core Set) 2x Steward at the Wall (Core Set) 2x Veteran Builder (Core Set) 2x Arya Stark (Core Set) 2x Bran Stark (Core Set) 2x Eddard Stark (Core Set) 2x Sansa Stark (Core Set) 2x Tumblestone Knight (Core Set) 2x Vanguard of the North (Core Set)
Attachment: 1x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x Longclaw (Core Set)
Event: 2x Take the Black (Core Set) 1x Put to the Sword (Core Set) 1x Put to the Torch (Core Set) 1x The Hand’s Judgment (Core Set) 3x A Meager Contribution (Core Set)
Location: 2x The Wall (Core Set) 2x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 2x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Castle Black (Core Set)
, Nov 09 2015 09:12 AM
Last updated Nov 09 2015 09:12 AM
0 comments, 2492 views
Building 4 melee decks out of only 2 cores. This is the Baratheon/Tyrell one. Power-focused and defensive.
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Rose (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Clash of Kings (Core Set) 1x A Feast for Crows (Core Set) 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Counting Coppers (Core Set) 1x Filthy Accusations (Core Set) 1x Sneak Attack (Core Set)
Character: 1x Littlefinger (Core Set) 1x Varys (Core Set) 1x Rattleshirt’s Raiders (Core Set) 2x Maester Cressen (Core Set) 2x Melisandre (Core Set) 2x Robert Baratheon (Core Set) 1x Selyse Baratheon (Core Set) 2x Ser Davos Seaworth (Core Set) 1x Shireen Baratheon (Core Set) 2x Stannis Baratheon (Core Set) 2x Bastard in Hiding (Core Set) 2x Fiery Followers (Core Set) 1x King’s Hunting Party (Core Set) 2x Dragonstone Faithful (Core Set) 2x Vanguard Lancer (Core Set) 2x Maester Lomys (Core Set) 2x Margaery Tyrell (Core Set) 2x The Knight of Flowers (Core Set) 2x Courtesan of the Rose (Core Set) 2x Olenna’s Informant (Core Set)
Attachment: 1x Seal of the Hand (Core Set) 1x Bodyguard (Core Set) 1x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set)
Event: 2x Superior Claim (Core Set) 2x Consolidation of Power (Core Set) 2x Ours is the Fury (Core Set) 2x Seen In Flames (Core Set) 2x “The Bear and the Maiden Fair†(Core Set)
Location: 2x The Iron Throne (Core Set) 2x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 2x The Roseroad (Core Set) 3x Dragonstone Port (Core Set) 2x Chamber of the Painted Table (Core Set) 2x The Red Keep (Core Set)
, Nov 09 2015 09:10 AM
Last updated Nov 09 2015 09:10 AM
0 comments, 1956 views
Building 4 melee decks out of only 2 cores. This is the Lannister/Martell one. Intrigue-focused and somewhat aggressive, with more economy than the others.
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Sun (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Game of Thrones (Core Set) 1x Calling the Banners (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Counting Coppers (Core Set) 1x Summons (Core Set) 1x The Winds of Winter (Core Set) 1x Wildfire Assault (Core Set)
Character: 1x Littlefinger (Core Set) 1x Varys (Core Set) 1x Rattleshirt’s Raiders (Core Set) 2x Cersei Lannister (Core Set) 2x Grand Maester Pycelle (Core Set) 1x Joffrey Baratheon (Core Set) 2x Ser Jaime Lannister (Core Set) 2x The Tickler (Core Set) 2x Tyrion Lannister (Core Set) 2x Tywin Lannister (Core Set) 2x Burned Men (Core Set) 2x Gold Cloaks (Core Set) 2x Lannisport Moneylender (Core Set) 2x Lannisport Merchant (Core Set) 2x The Queen’s Assassin (Core Set) 2x Arianne Martell (Core Set) 1x Edric Dayne (Core Set) 2x Obara Sand (Core Set) 2x Dornish Paramour (Core Set) 2x House Dayne Knight (Core Set) 2x Palace Spearman (Core Set)
Attachment: 1x Bodyguard (Core Set) 1x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x Widow’s Wail (Core Set) 2x Dawn (Core Set)
Event: 2x Tears of Lys (Core Set) 1x The Hand’s Judgment (Core Set) 1x The Things I Do For Love (Core Set) 2x Treachery (Core Set)
Location: 1x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Casterly Rock (Core Set) 2x Lannisport (Core Set) 3x Western Fiefdom (Core Set)
, Nov 09 2015 09:07 AM
Last updated Nov 09 2015 09:07 AM
0 comments, 1515 views
Third of four decks prepared from 3 core sets for home 4 player melee play.
Agenda: 1x Fealty (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Storm of Swords (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Counting Coppers (Core Set) 1x Heads on Spikes (Core Set) 1x Naval Superiority (Core Set) 1x Sneak Attack (Core Set) 1x Wildfire Assault (Core Set)
Character: 2x Littlefinger (Core Set) 2x Aeron Damphair (Core Set) 1x Alannys Greyjoy (Core Set) 3x Asha Greyjoy (Core Set) 3x Balon Greyjoy (Core Set) 3x Euron Crow’s Eye (Core Set) 1x Maester Wendamyr (Core Set) 3x Theon Greyjoy (Core Set) 2x Black Wind’s Crew (Core Set) 2x Drowned Men (Core Set) 3x Iron Islands Fishmonger (Core Set) 2x Lordsport Shipwright (Core Set) 3x Salty Navigator (Core Set)
Attachment: 2x Little Bird (Core Set) 2x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x Throwing Axe (Core Set)
Event: 1x Put to the Torch (Core Set) 1x The Hand’s Judgment (Core Set) 3x Risen from the Sea (Core Set) 2x The Kraken’s Grasp (Core Set) 3x We Do Not Sow (Core Set)
Location: 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Great Kraken (Core Set) 3x Iron Fleet Scout (Core Set) 3x Sea Tower (Core Set)
, Oct 05 2015 06:43 PM
Last updated Oct 05 2015 06:43 PM
0 comments, 1689 views
Second of four decks prepared from 3 core sets for home 4 player melee play.
Agenda: 1x Fealty (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Game of Thrones (Core Set) 1x Calling the Banners (Core Set) 1x Calm Over Westeros (Core Set) 1x Confiscation (Core Set) 1x Counting Coppers (Core Set) 1x Sneak Attack (Core Set) 1x The Winds of Winter (Core Set)
Character: 2x Littlefinger (Core Set) 3x Cersei Lannister (Core Set) 1x Grand Maester Pycelle (Core Set) 1x Joffrey Baratheon (Core Set) 3x Ser Jaime Lannister (Core Set) 1x The Tickler (Core Set) 3x Tyrion Lannister (Core Set) 3x Tywin Lannister (Core Set) 3x Burned Men (Core Set) 3x Gold Cloaks (Core Set) 3x Lannisport Moneylender (Core Set) 3x Lannisport Merchant (Core Set) 3x The Queen’s Assassin (Core Set)
Attachment: 1x Seal of the Hand (Core Set) 2x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 2x Widow’s Wail (Core Set)
Event: 3x Tears of Lys (Core Set) 1x The Hand’s Judgment (Core Set) 2x The Things I Do For Love (Core Set) 3x Treachery (Core Set)
Location: 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Casterly Rock (Core Set) 3x Lannisport (Core Set) 3x Western Fiefdom (Core Set)
, Oct 05 2015 06:37 PM
Last updated Oct 05 2015 06:37 PM
0 comments, 1440 views
First of four decks prepared from 3 core sets for home 4 player melee play.
Agenda: 1x Fealty (Core Set)
Plot: 1x A Clash of Kings (Core Set) 1x A Feast for Crows (Core Set) 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 2x Filthy Accusations (Core Set) 1x Jousting Contest (Core Set) 1x The Winds of Winter (Core Set)
Character: 1x Littlefinger (Core Set) 2x Maester Cressen (Core Set) 3x Melisandre (Core Set) 3x Robert Baratheon (Core Set) 1x Selyse Baratheon (Core Set) 2x Ser Davos Seaworth (Core Set) 1x Shireen Baratheon (Core Set) 3x Stannis Baratheon (Core Set) 3x Bastard in Hiding (Core Set) 3x Fiery Followers (Core Set) 1x King’s Hunting Party (Core Set) 3x Dragonstone Faithful (Core Set) 3x Vanguard Lancer (Core Set)
Attachment: 2x Little Bird (Core Set) 1x Milk of the Poppy (Core Set) 1x Lightbringer (Core Set)
Event: 2x Superior Claim (Core Set) 1x The Hand’s Judgment (Core Set) 3x Consolidation of Power (Core Set) 2x Ours is the Fury (Core Set) 3x Seen In Flames (Core Set)
Location: 2x The Iron Throne (Core Set) 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 3x Dragonstone Port (Core Set) 2x Chamber of the Painted Table (Core Set) 3x The Red Keep (Core Set)
, Oct 05 2015 06:33 PM
Last updated Oct 05 2015 06:33 PM
2 comments, 1822 views
Agenda: 1x Banner of the Wolf (Core Set)
Plot: 2x A Clash of Kings (Core Set) 1x A Noble Cause (Core Set) 1x Filthy Accusations (Core Set) 1x Marched to the Wall (Core Set) 1x Sneak Attack (Core Set) 1x Wildfire Assault (Core Set)
Character: 1x Littlefinger (Core Set) 2x Maester Cressen (Core Set) 3x Melisandre (Core Set) 2x Robert Baratheon (Core Set) 1x Ser Davos Seaworth (Core Set) 1x Shireen Baratheon (Core Set) 3x Fiery Followers (Core Set) 2x Dragonstone Faithful (Core Set) 3x Vanguard Lancer (Core Set) 1x Bran Stark (Core Set) 2x Eddard Stark (Core Set) 1x Sansa Stark (Core Set) 3x Direwolf Pup (Core Set) 3x Tumblestone Knight (Core Set) 2x Winterfell Steward (Core Set)
Attachment: 1x Seal of the Hand (Core Set) 2x Little Bird (Core Set) 2x Lightbringer (Core Set)
Event: 2x Superior Claim (Core Set) 2x The Hand’s Judgment (Core Set) 2x Consolidation of Power (Core Set) 3x Seen In Flames (Core Set) 2x Like Warm Rain (Core Set)
Location: 2x The Iron Throne (Core Set) 3x The Kingsroad (Core Set) 3x The Roseroad (Core Set) 2x Dragonstone Port (Core Set) 1x Chamber of the Painted Table (Core Set) 2x The Red Keep (Core Set) 2x Heart Tree Grove (Core Set)
, Aug 06 2015 03:13 PM
Last updated Aug 06 2015 03:13 PM
0 comments, 1063 views