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Dream-Gate Dream-Gate

Wondrous Journey

Type: Location
Bonded (Gate Box).
Dream-Gate is connected to each other revealed location, and vice versa. Enemies and investigators other than Luke Robinson cannot enter Dream-Gate.
Forced – At the end of the investigation phase: Set Dream-Gate aside, out of play. (If Luke Robinson is here, move him to any revealed location.)
Bonded (Detached From Reality).
Forced – At the end of the investigation phase, discard Dream-Gate and move each investigator and enemy here to a connecting location. Each investigator who moved by this effect takes 2 horror.
[Reaction] After you successfully investigate Dream-Gate: Discard it and move each investigator and enemy here to a connecting location.
Quantity: 1
Number: 15a
Illustrator: Frej Agelii
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