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The Temptation of the Scorpion

Type: Event
Cost: 0
Clan: Crane
Action: Give control of a (friendly) ready character with printed cost 2 or higher to an opponent. Choose a non-Champion character that opponent controls – bow the chosen character.
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 69
Illustrator: Joshua Cairós

Type: Character
Cost: 2
Military Skill: 3
Political Skill: 2
Glory: 2
Clan: Crane
Bushi. Duelist.
Forced Reaction: After defenders are declared during a conflict in which this character is participating, initiate a [Military] duel – resolve the duel. If this character is the duel’s loser, move it home. (Unlimited.)
Forced Reaction: After defenders are declared during a conflict in which this character is participating, initiate a [Military] duel – resolve the duel. If this character is the duel’s loser, move it home. (Unlimited.)
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 68
Illustrator: Lukas Banas

Type: Attachment
Cost: 1
Bonus Military Skill: +1
Bonus Political Skill: +1
Clan: Phoenix
Spell. Air.
Attached character cannot receive dishonored status tokens.
“If only more of us favored inks and dyes over swords and arrows, we would not be burdened with such great suffering.”
Influence: 1
Deck: Conflict
Number: 81
Illustrator: Drazenka Kimpel

Type: Event
Cost: 3
Clan: Unicorn
MahÅ. Spell. Earth.
Earth role only.
This card’s fate cost can only be paid for with fate on characters you control.
Action: During a [Military] conflict, choose up to 3 characters, each with printed cost 3 or lower, in your dynasty discard pile – put those characters into play in the conflict dishonored.
This card’s fate cost can only be paid for with fate on characters you control.
Action: During a [Military] conflict, choose up to 3 characters, each with printed cost 3 or lower, in your dynasty discard pile – put those characters into play in the conflict dishonored.
Influence: 1
Deck: Conflict
Number: 86
Illustrator: Apterus

Type: Attachment
Cost: 0
Bonus Military Skill: +2
Bonus Political Skill: –2
Clan: Crab
Fire role only.
When his friends had fallen, when his commander had joined the ranks of his foes, when his honor had been forsaken, all that remained was his rage.
Influence: 2
Deck: Conflict
Number: 75
Illustrator: Mike Capprotti

Type: Character
Cost: 1
Military Skill: 1
Political Skill: 1
Glory: 0
Clan: Unicorn
Shugenja. Water. Cavalry.
Dire – This character is considered to be participating in each conflict in which you control at least 1 other participating character. It does not bow as a result of conflict resolution in conflicts in which it is at home. (This character is dire when it has no fate on it.)
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 74
Illustrator: Jorge Matar

Type: Character
Cost: 1
Military Skill: 2
Political Skill: 0
Glory: 1
Clan: Lion
Bushi. Scout.
Seeker role only.
Action: If you have gained 2 or more honor this phase, choose a province an opponent controls – place a dishonored status token on that province and reveal it, if able. While a province has a dishonored status token, treat its printed text box as if it were blank (except for Traits).
Action: If you have gained 2 or more honor this phase, choose a province an opponent controls – place a dishonored status token on that province and reveal it, if able. While a province has a dishonored status token, treat its printed text box as if it were blank (except for Traits).
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 71
Illustrator: Andreia Ugrai

Type: Event
Cost: 0
Clan: Dragon
Interrupt: When the effects of a triggered ability would initiate, if that triggered ability chooses a character you control with 2 or more attachments as a target – cancel those effects.
“An empty mind reacts without hesitation, strikes without distraction, and acts without fear.” — Mirumoto’s Niten
Influence: 3
Deck: Conflict
Number: 79
Illustrator: Felipe Gaona

Type: Character
Cost: 2
Military Skill: 2
Political Skill: 2
Glory: 1
Clan: Dragon
Monk. Tattooed.
You may play this character as an attachment with the text: “Attached character gets +2[Military] and +2[Politics]. Interrupt: When attached character leaves play – detach this attachment and turn it into a character.”
Influence: 1
Deck: Conflict
Number: 78
Illustrator: Andreia Ugrai

Type: Event
Cost: 1
Clan: Lion
Reaction: After the conflict phase begins, choose 3 provinces – look at each of those provinces (if it is facedown). If you have at least 5 more honor than an opponent, you may also discard any number of cards from those provinces.
Influence: 2
Deck: Conflict
Number: 80
Illustrator: Guillaume Ducos

Type: Event
Cost: 1
Clan: Scorpion
Spell. Shadow.
Void role only.
Action: Choose a non-Mythic character you control – remove it from the game, then put it into play. If that character does not have the Shadow trait, it enters play dishonored.
Action: Choose a non-Mythic character you control – remove it from the game, then put it into play. If that character does not have the Shadow trait, it enters play dishonored.
Influence: 1
Deck: Conflict
Number: 84
Illustrator: Pavel Kolomeyets

Type: Character
Cost: 3
Military Skill: 3
Political Skill: 1
Glory: 1
Clan: Dragon
Bushi. Duelist.
This character cannot be evaded by the covert keyword.
Action: During a conflict in which this character is participating on your side alone – remove 1 fate from each other participating character with equal or lower [Military] skill.
Action: During a conflict in which this character is participating on your side alone – remove 1 fate from each other participating character with equal or lower [Military] skill.
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 70
Illustrator: Nino Vecia

Type: Character
Cost: 2
Military Skill: 0
Political Skill: 2
Glory: 1
Clan: Crane
This character must be chosen as a target of each event if able.
“These last few days have been surprisingly eventful.”
Influence: 3
Deck: Conflict
Number: 77
Illustrator: Alayna Lemmer

Type: Attachment
Cost: 3
Bonus Military Skill: +0
Bonus Political Skill: +3
Clan: Scorpion
Black Scroll. Item.
Attach to a unique character you control.
You may trigger each ability on each character with no fate on it as if you controlled that character. Each opponent cannot trigger those abilities.
You may trigger each ability on each character with no fate on it as if you controlled that character. Each opponent cannot trigger those abilities.
Deck: Conflict
Number: 83
Illustrator: Carlos Palma Cruchaga

Type: Event
Cost: 0
Clan: Unicorn
Action: Choose a non-stronghold province you control – search the top 8 cards of your dynasty deck for X characters and put them into the chosen province, where X is the number of faceup non-stronghold provinces an opponent controls. Shuffle.
Influence: 3
Deck: Conflict
Number: 85
Illustrator: Eli Ring

Type: Character
Cost: 2
Military Skill: 4
Political Skill: 3
Glory: 0
Clan: Crab
Creature. Shadowlands.
Dire – This character loses each other non-keyword ability. (This character is dire when it has no fate on it.)
As an additional cost to declare this character as an attacker or defender, you lose 2 honor.
As an additional cost to declare this character as an attacker or defender, you lose 2 honor.
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 67
Illustrator: Carlos DÃaz

Type: Attachment
Cost: 1
Bonus Military Skill: –
Bonus Political Skill: –
Clan: Crab
Attach to an unbroken province.
Reaction: After you win a conflict at attached province, choose a status token on a participating character or on attached province – discard the chosen status token and gain 1 honor.
Reaction: After you win a conflict at attached province, choose a status token on a participating character or on attached province – discard the chosen status token and gain 1 honor.
Influence: 2
Deck: Conflict
Number: 76
Illustrator: Kevin Goeke

Type: Event
Cost: 1
Clan: Phoenix
MahÅ. Spell. Air.
This card’s fate cost can only be paid for with fate on characters you control.
Action: During a conflict, lose 1 honor. Choose a character – until the end of the conflict, that character gets +3[Politics] for each character with no fate your opponent controls.
Action: During a conflict, lose 1 honor. Choose a character – until the end of the conflict, that character gets +3[Politics] for each character with no fate your opponent controls.
Influence: 2
Deck: Conflict
Number: 82
Illustrator: Lukas Banas

Type: Character
Cost: 5
Military Skill: 5
Political Skill: 4
Glory: 2
Clan: Scorpion
Shugenja. Air. DaimyÅ.
Dire – This character gains: “Action: Choose a character – discard all fate from that character.”
Action: Choose a character you control – move any amount of fate from that character to your fate pool.
Action: Choose a character you control – move any amount of fate from that character to your fate pool.
“You shall never again set foot in Rokugan.”
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 73
Illustrator: Tommy Suhartono

Type: Character
Cost: 2
Military Skill: -
Political Skill: 4
Glory: 2
Clan: Phoenix
Shugenja. Air. Scholar.
“Does the child not have a right to define the future they wish to see?”
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 72
Illustrator: Isuardi Therianto