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Twisted Loyalties

Type: Character
Cost: 3
Military Skill: 2
Political Skill: 3
Glory: 2
Clan: Phoenix
Reaction: After this character wins a conflict, choose a character with no fate on it – bow that character. If that character is a [Phoenix] character, also dishonor it.
“We can only relate to pain that is our own.”
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 10
Illustrator: Lin Hsiang

Type: Province
Strength: 4
Clan: Neutral
Reaction: After this province is revealed, choose an attacking character – remove 2 fate from that character.
“This is no time for glory!”
Element: fire
Deck: Province
Number: 2
Illustrator: Eli Ring

Type: Attachment
Cost: 2
Bonus Military Skill: +4
Bonus Political Skill: +1
Clan: Crab
Attach to a unique [Crab] character.
Ancestral. Restricted.
If attached character has the Champion trait, it gains: “Reaction: After this character wins a conflict, choose a participating character – that character’s controller moves all fate from it to their fate pool, then sacrifices it.”
Ancestral. Restricted.
If attached character has the Champion trait, it gains: “Reaction: After this character wins a conflict, choose a participating character – that character’s controller moves all fate from it to their fate pool, then sacrifices it.”
Deck: Conflict
Number: 13
Illustrator: Carlos Palma Cruchaga

Type: Attachment
Cost: 2
Bonus Military Skill: +2
Bonus Political Skill: +0
Clan: Unicorn
Void role only.
Attach to a character you control.
Interrupt: When attached character leaves play – search your dynasty deck for a character with lower printed cost than attached character and put it into play. Shuffle.
Attach to a character you control.
Interrupt: When attached character leaves play – search your dynasty deck for a character with lower printed cost than attached character and put it into play. Shuffle.
Influence: 2
Deck: Conflict
Number: 21
Illustrator: Borja Pindado

Type: Character
Cost: 4
Military Skill: 3
Political Skill: 4
Glory: 1
Clan: Crane
Action: During a conflict in which this character is participating, each player chooses a character controlled by one of their opponents – each player moves 1 fate from their fate pool to the character they chose.
Each gift forms the foundation of future favor.
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 5
Illustrator: Joshua Cairós

Type: Event
Cost: 1
Clan: Crane
Action: During a conflict – abilities on characters cannot be triggered this conflict.
His gentle courtesy eased the hearts of his guests, until they found themselves unwilling to confront him over his vassal’s undue aggression.
Influence: 1
Deck: Conflict
Number: 15
Illustrator: Lin Hsiang

Type: Event
Cost: 0
Clan: Crab
Reaction: After you win a conflict as the defending player – search the top X cards of your dynasty deck for a character with printed cost X or lower and put it into play, where X is the amount of skill by which you won.
Influence: 2
Deck: Conflict
Number: 14
Illustrator: Imad Awan

Type: Event
Cost: 0
Clan: Phoenix
Void role only.
Action: During a conflict, initiate a [Politics] duel between a character your opponent controls of your choice and a character you control of your opponent's choice – resolve the duel. Remove 1 fate from the duel’s loser.
Action: During a conflict, initiate a [Politics] duel between a character your opponent controls of your choice and a character you control of your opponent's choice – resolve the duel. Remove 1 fate from the duel’s loser.
Influence: 2
Deck: Conflict
Number: 19
Illustrator: Guillaume Ducos

Type: Character
Cost: 2
Military Skill: 2
Political Skill: 1
Glory: 1
Clan: Dragon
Reaction: After you look at 1 or more cards in an opponent’s hand (or those cards are revealed) – draw 2 cards, then place 1 card from your hand on the bottom of your conflict deck.
Reaction: After you look at 1 or more cards in an opponent’s hand (or those cards are revealed) – draw 2 cards, then place 1 card from your hand on the bottom of your conflict deck.
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 6
Illustrator: Immar Palomera

Type: Character
Cost: 4
Military Skill: 2
Political Skill: 4
Glory: 2
Clan: Unicorn
Courtier. Merchant.
Dire – While this character is participating in a conflict, reduce the cost to play each card in your hand by 1 (to a minimum of 0). (This character is dire when it has no fate on it.)
Reaction: After this character enters play – draw 2 cards.
Reaction: After this character enters play – draw 2 cards.
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 12
Illustrator: Marius Bota

Type: Attachment
Cost: 2
Bonus Military Skill: +2
Bonus Political Skill: +2
Clan: Scorpion
Imperial. Weapon.
Attach to a unique character you control.
Ancestral. Restricted.
Attached character gains: “Action: During a conflict in which this character is participating, discard the Imperial Favor. Choose an attachment or event in your opponent’s conflict discard pile – play that card without paying its fate cost.“
Ancestral. Restricted.
Attached character gains: “Action: During a conflict in which this character is participating, discard the Imperial Favor. Choose an attachment or event in your opponent’s conflict discard pile – play that card without paying its fate cost.“
Deck: Conflict
Number: 20
Illustrator: Carlos Palma Cruchaga

Type: Event
Cost: 0
Clan: Neutral
Seeker role only.
Action: During a conflict, initiate a [Politics] duel against a character your opponent controls of their choice – resolve the duel. Place 1 fate on the duel’s winner.
Action: During a conflict, initiate a [Politics] duel against a character your opponent controls of their choice – resolve the duel. Place 1 fate on the duel’s winner.
Deck: Conflict
Number: 22
Illustrator: Joshua Cairós

Type: Holding
Strength: +2
Clan: Dragon
Action: Return a ring from your claimed ring pool to the unclaimed ring pool. Choose a status token on a character – discard it.
“Only one who relinquishes fear is truly free.” — Tao of Shinsei
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 7
Illustrator: Logan Feliciano

Type: Event
Cost: 0
Clan: Lion
Action: Choose an opponent’s province. That opponent selects one – either discard each card in that province, or you gain 2 honor.
The interruption was unorthodox, but none present could gainsay her.
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 9
Illustrator: Lukas Banas

Type: Character
Cost: 1
Military Skill: 0
Political Skill: 1
Glory: 2
Clan: Lion
Courtier. Storyteller.
Water role only.
Action: If you have gained 2 or more honor this phase, choose an opponent and 2 cards in your conflict discard pile. That opponent chooses 1 of those cards – add the chosen card to your hand and place the other on the bottom of your conflict deck.
Action: If you have gained 2 or more honor this phase, choose an opponent and 2 cards in your conflict discard pile. That opponent chooses 1 of those cards – add the chosen card to your hand and place the other on the bottom of your conflict deck.
Influence: 2
Deck: Conflict
Number: 18
Illustrator: Drazenka Kimpel

Type: Character
Cost: 2
Military Skill: 1
Political Skill: 2
Glory: 2
Clan: Lion
This character cannot receive dishonored status tokens.
Action: If you have gained 2 or more honor this phase – gain 1 fate.
Action: If you have gained 2 or more honor this phase – gain 1 fate.
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 8
Illustrator: Hai Hoang

Type: Attachment
Cost: 3
Bonus Military Skill: +0
Bonus Political Skill: +3
Clan: Dragon
This attachment cannot be chosen as the target of an opponent’s event.
Attached character gains: “Reaction: After this character wins a conflict – resolve the effect of each ring in your claimed ring pool.”
This attachment cannot be chosen as the target of an opponent’s event.
Attached character gains: “Reaction: After this character wins a conflict – resolve the effect of each ring in your claimed ring pool.”
Influence: 3
Deck: Conflict
Number: 17
Illustrator: Guillaume Ducos

Type: Character
Cost: 1
Military Skill: 0
Political Skill: 2
Glory: 2
Clan: Scorpion
Courtier. Imperial.
Keeper role only.
Reaction: After an opponent gains 1 or more honor – that player loses 1 honor.
Reaction: After an opponent gains 1 or more honor – that player loses 1 honor.
“Do you truly wish for open war between our clans?”
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 11
Illustrator: Isuardi Therianto

Type: Event
Cost: 3
Clan: Crane
Action: During a conflict – characters without fate do not count their skill toward the resolution of this conflict.
“Doji Kayo-san, you are not dismissed. Our tea is not yet finished.”
Influence: 2
Deck: Conflict
Number: 16
Illustrator: Lin Hsiang

Type: Province
Strength: 5
Clan: Scorpion
While you control an Imperial character, each character attacking one of your provinces gets –1[Military] and –1[Politics].
“A Scorpion on the throne, even with an edict behind him, cannot be trusted.” — Asako Togama
Element: air
Deck: Province
Number: 1
Illustrator: Tommy Suhartono

Type: Holding
Strength: +1
Clan: Crab
Kaiu Wall.
Limit 1 per deck.
Each character attacking a province you control with a Kaiu Wall holding gets –1[Military] and –1[Politics] for each fate on that character.
Forced Interrupt: When this holding’s province is broken – you lose 2 fate.
Each character attacking a province you control with a Kaiu Wall holding gets –1[Military] and –1[Politics] for each fate on that character.
Forced Interrupt: When this holding’s province is broken – you lose 2 fate.
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 4
Illustrator: Nele Diel

Type: Character
Cost: 2
Military Skill: 1
Political Skill: 1
Glory: 1
Clan: Crab
Action: During a conflict in which this character is defending, spend 1 fate. Choose a character with 1 or more fate on it – move that character to the conflict.
Action: During a conflict in which this character is defending, spend 1 fate. Choose a character with 1 or more fate on it – move that character to the conflict.
“Take it as a symbol of our goodwill.”
Deck: Dynasty
Number: 3
Illustrator: Guillaume Ducos