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Lord of the Rings Decks

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  Deck Name Deck Teaser Rating Author

Hilbert 1

----- gandalfDK

Eagles and Arrows

Paired with the Wisdom of Elrond. ----- indierockclimber

009 RTM solo restricted

V poslednom dobrodružstve z cyklu Shadows of Mirkwood budeme eskortovať Gluma ku královy Thranduilovi. ----- laco


Eowen, Dunhere, Legolas ----- dragonwarriorfan


----- Harisfox

Elrond Glorf i Dunhern

----- koriakin

Hilbert 1

----- gandalfDK

Super Solo Mod

Strong questing and attack for solo play, this deck is based on TrueLolzor's Super Solo Deck, but I have modified it in several ways. ----- Frodo13

OPE (Restricted - Darowdelf)

Hi there...

This is the deck from my progression YouTube Series that I used for Into The Pit. OPE, or Over Powered Elves.

It is restricted to the Darowdelf cycle. I define this cycle of cards as Corex3 + Mirkwood + Khaz + Darowdelf. It was also designed for Into The Pit, the 1st of the Khazad Dum quests.

After the deck gets approved and my video is uploaded I'll edit this with more info on how to pilot the deck.

Have Fun and ROLL HIGH
----- Tragic

Caldara Spirit

Kill self res things ----- Pieshop

008 TDM solo restricted

V tomto dobrodružstve sa budeme snažiť chytiť Gluma, ktorý sa samozrejme bude pokúšať o útek. ----- laco

Core red-blue

----- annodius

Who Needs Kili and Fili

King Under the Mountain and Legacy of Durin are good.
So is Steward of Gondor.
So is Daeron's Runes.
So is Deep Knowledge.
So is Mithrandir's Advice, even with 2 lore heros.
----- dgn714

Mono-Leadership (Aragorn,Hirluin, Gloin)

Not sure how well this would stand up as a solo deck, but I think it could do very well in a Fellowship. The only thing the Outlands synergy is missing is a way to search out the character you need for a situation. ----- slothgodfather

Aragorn's Army

----- DieterVanHertz

Solo: Tri-Sphere Core

----- slothgodfather

Tactics + Lore

Legolas + Gimli for a 2 sphere deck ----- DuGraal


A richly themed, but powerful combination of tactics and spirit dwarves, that keeps your threat very low and allows you to quest successfully and tackle big enemies with relative ease. Successful in solo and co-op play. ***** Radagastthebrown

First Spirit/Leadership Deck

----- valerus

007 THOEM solo restricted

----- laco

Jays Dwarf Deck

Tactical Leadership ----- JayThe17


----- roribeedm

Rohan Tac/Spi beta

----- Frygyd


----- Psychorocka


3x Naith Guide instead of 3x Pelargir Ship Captain when dunland trap is out

1x Rumil instead of 1x Sword that was Broken when dunland trap is out
----- Psychorocka