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Accelerated Beta Test
, Jul 30 2012 05:34 PM | Last updated Aug 23 2012 09:05 PM
- Keshvara, jgoyes, MadFox and 2 others like this
Accelerated Beta TestType: Agenda: Research Advancement Cost: 3 Faction: Corp Haas-Bioroid When you score Accelerated Beta Test, you may look at the top 3 cards of R&D. If any of those cards are ice, you may install and rez them, ignoring all costs. Trash the rest of the cards you looked at. Agenda Points: 2 Set: Core Number: 055 Quantity: 3 Illustrator: Rachel Borovic |
Recent Decks Using This Card: Haas-Bioroid Core Deck 1 Haas brain dmg BrainBread NEXT Foundry Kill/Program Trash Haas-Bioroid01 |
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I'm still new to the game but this card is going on the scrap pile for me. Its far to risky and has never worked in my favor. id say probably 8/10 times i get some ICE but also an agenda so that piece of ice gets wasted on protecting my archives to try and stop runs on the archive but because it comes in rezed the runner knows whats coming usually get around it fairly easily unless I'm given the chance to put more ice down which feels like such a waste.
The power is indeed risky, but there's two things to notice. First, being a 3/2 agenda is a power in itself. You'll find you often want to include a card just because its a 3/2. The power on accelerated beta test is optional, so sometimes you'll plan not to use it but take the card anyway. Second, there are good ways to mitigate the risk. In faction there's Project Vitruvius. For a splash of one influence there's Jackson Howard. Both of these cards make Beta-test much better and are likely to see play - Vitruvius because it's your other 3/2 in HB and Jackson because he's a terrifying powerhouse who makes almost every corp deck better.
Additionally, it's recently been pointed out to me on these forums that The Foundry completely mitigates beta-test's risk. After tutoring one ICE with the foundry's power, you can shuffle your remaining revealed ICE back into R&D using the foundry's power.
Ya, agreed. It is a 3/2 with a situationally useful OPTIONAL ability. What's not to like? And using Jackson to mitigate the risk is standard operating procedure aka "doing it right".
A good solid play is to get a Jackson on the board behind some kind of protection, then on the next turn fast advance ABT out of hand with a biotics or whatever. If you get unlucky off of R&D, Action Jackson is there to save the day yet again. If you get just 1 good piece of ice installed out of the deal it's kind of like a randomized Priority Requisition; if you get 2 pieces of decent or better ice it's a strong tempo and econ advantage.
This is a very powerful card, but a player needs to be smart about choosing when to use its ability and mitigating the risk via other cards / board state.
Say you're playing against Leela and have a Jackson Howard installed, and you score ABT; do you have to: 1) announce whether you're triggerring the ABT, and 2) resolve the effect, before the runner chooses which card to return to your hand? If either of these are true, I'm guessing you can't use Jacko as a safety net for ABT against Leela?
Simply rez Jackson before you score it, if you want to be on the safe side. Her ability only puts unrezzed cards back to HQ.
Thanks, Python, that's reasonable. In general, can you tell the runner he has to resolve Leela's ability before you resolve the ABT (choosing whether to trigger, and resolving the effect), since it is currently your turn?