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Corporate Troubleshooter
, Aug 16 2012 09:44 PM | Last updated Sep 12 2012 01:50 PM
Corporate TroubleshooterType: Upgrade: Connection Cost: 0 Faction: Corp Haas-Bioroid Faction Cost: 1 X [Credits], [Trash]: Choose a piece of rezzed ice protecting this server. That ice has +X strength until the end of the turn. Trash: Set: Core Number: 065 Quantity: 1 Illustrator: Ed Mattinian |
Recent Decks Using This Card: Haas-Bioroid Core Deck 1 NEXT Foundry Kill/Program Trash Spark Corp $/program denial Haas-Bioroid01 Round Table |
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Netrunner is a TM of R. Talsorian Games, Inc. Android is TM & ©2012 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Netrunner is licensed by Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2012 Wizards.
According to the official timing structure of a run (found in the official FAQ), Corporate Troubleshooter must be rezzed in step 2.3, directly after the runner decides not to jack out. This is also when you want to use the card's ability, because the next time it could be used to pump the ICE would be after the runner breaks the ICE (step 3.1). So Corporate Troubleshooter must be used before the runner uses his Icebreakers.
The corp can use paid abilities in step 3.1, but the runner gets to use all of his first because it is the runner's turn. The abilities on Icebreakers are paid abilities, so at step 3.1, the runner can boost and break before the corp can use his corporate Troubleshooter.
Thanks, that's the rule I forgot. Now, it seems obvious ^^. Enjoy the game