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Type: Event
Cost: 0
Faction: Runner Shaper
Faction Cost: 2
Draw 3 cards.
Set: Core Number: 034 Quantity: 3
Illustrator: Tim Durning
Recent Decks Using This Card:
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Nov 15 2012 07:24 PM
I've only been playing this game for like 36 hours but my first impression is that this card x 3 should be in every deck. Unless you have equally good in-house card draw.
It does tend to see play in a lot of runner decks.
I've been adding up cost/benefit in terms of clicks, and this card isn't actually as cool as it initially looks. You use one click to draw it, then one click to play it, which means you end up getting three clicks worth of stuff out of two clicks. It's still good, don't get me wrong, but not as good as it would be in another card game, where draws are harder to get. The cost/benefit actually comes out exactly the same as Easy Mark.
    • jakman999 likes this

I've been adding up cost/benefit in terms of clicks, and this card isn't actually as cool as it initially looks. You use one click to draw it, then one click to play it, which means you end up getting three clicks worth of stuff out of two clicks. It's still good, don't get me wrong, but not as good as it would be in another card game, where draws are harder to get. The cost/benefit actually comes out exactly the same as Easy Mark.

A little late for a response, but this is not how it works. Let's say you desperately look for a Yog.0 in your CT deck to get your Yogosaurus going. You're drawing cards and hope to either find the Yog or draw into a Test Run. This means you spend clicks. If you now draw into Diesel you spent another click to play it and draw three cards. The point is, you would have used the click to draw a card anyway. Unless you swap out Diesel with more icebreakers, you come out ahead two clicks, because instead of drawing Diesel, you would have drawn another card which you quite possibly can't really use yet.
Mar 22 2013 10:15 AM
Some people choose to count the clicks for drawing. And then there´s the rest of us B)
    • EmeraldGuardian, Lunchmoney and LucasBarton like this
The real benefit in running multiple diesels is the chance of getting one in your opening hand. At that point it gains a bigger click to benefit ratio. Drawing one late game is usually meh.
Agree with paradoX. The other reason this is better than Easy Mark is that you are reducing the click cost for your draw with no trade-off in terms of loss of any other resource. There is no trade-off between drawing cards and gaining credits. In short, it is pure "click profit" with no negative trade-off. Auto-include in any Shaper deck IMHO, and very tempting out of faction too.
    • trevaur likes this

I've been adding up cost/benefit in terms of clicks, and this card isn't actually as cool as it initially looks. You use one click to draw it, then one click to play it, which means you end up getting three clicks worth of stuff out of two clicks. It's still good, don't get me wrong, but not as good as it would be in another card game, where draws are harder to get. The cost/benefit actually comes out exactly the same as Easy Mark.

This is really poor analysis. Easy Mark is 2 clicks for 3 creds, and Diesel is 2 clicks for 3 draws. 1 draw is significantly better than 1 credit, so that means that Diesel is generally better than Easy Mark. Obviously if you really need money right now, easy mark is better.
Jan 18 2014 10:01 PM
I like the idea of trying to fit it into every deck.

Runners don't get the luxury of a free draw phase like Corps, so being able to spend a click to +2 is an even bigger thing than with the Corp's +2 counterpart, Anonymous Tip.

Other than drawing into your combo cards faster, it's also a card you hang on to until you need to replenish your hand by 2 for 1 click.

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