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Type: Resource: Location - Seedy
Cost: 3
Faction: Runner Anarch
Faction Cost: 3
When your turn begins, draw 2 cards and lose [Click].
Set: Core Number: 016 Quantity: 2
Illustrator: Henning Ludvigsen
Recent Decks Using This Card:
FireFox's Noise
24/7 Noiseshop
Want to build a deck using this card? Check out the Android: Netrunner deckbuilder!


Is this effect mandatory if you install the resource?

Is this effect mandatory if you install the resource?

Yes, yes it is. But it's very good, as cards are the lifeblood of runners.
    • AvantCard and Neoshmengi like this
This is looking more appealing now, with Public Sympathy. Also, rules question - can you trash this at the start of your turn, before the effect kicks in?

Edit - I've found my answer - only via Aesop's Pawnshop.
    • Neoshmengi likes this
What would happen if you had Wyldside out but no cards in your stack? Would you not lose the click since you are unable to draw two? What if you only have 1 card left to draw?
There is no "then" clause for this card, so the effects are independent. If you have no cards in your stack, you still (fail to) draw 2 and still lose a click.

As of Tournament rules update v. 1.1.1: Wyldside (Core Set, #16) is added to the MWL list.


This is the most controversial inclusion to the NAPD Most Wanted List, as Wyldside was a strong, but not that broken card, at least before Faust. Drawing a lot of cards was nice for Noise, who put them to use for milling purposes, but it is actually Faust that gave those cards second use that made Wyld hit everywhere. Anyway, this might twist some deck designs in a positive way... I hope.

Jul 16 2016 10:51 PM

As of Tournament rules update v. 1.1.1: Wyldside (Core Set, #16) is added to the MWL list.


This is the most controversial inclusion to the NAPD Most Wanted List, as Wyldside was a strong, but not that broken card, at least before Faust. Drawing a lot of cards was nice for Noise, who put them to use for milling purposes, but it is actually Faust that gave those cards second use that made Wyld hit everywhere. Anyway, this might twist some deck designs in a positive way... I hope.

I kind of agree with it. Chronotype on MWL wouldn't really help with Wyldside just finding it super quickly. I like the inclusion.

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